Ker sem s prvo poskusno mešanico moje nove "droge" malo količinsko omejena, dlje kot do preizkušanja konceptov in vzorčkov še nisem prišla - nekaj miniaturic je sicer nastalo, pa sem jih večino tudi že razdrla.
/ The first test mix of my new "drug" is quite limited in quantity, so I haven't got much further than trying out concepts and patterns - I made some miniature thingies, but I also took them apart mostly.
Tale rdečko bo pa verjetno ostal - v bistvu mi je kar všeč, da ni čisto ploščat, da ima malo razgibane robove.
/ However, this reddy will probably stay - I actually quite like it for not being totally flat.
Ne vem še sicer čisto zagotovo, kako ga bom nosila - če ga bom sploh jaz (če mi ga kakšna ne spelje).
/ I don't know yet how I'm going to wear it - it it will be me at all (if doesn't get away with someone else).
Zdaj bo moja glavna naloga, da se zdaj, ko sem še na začetku, z voljo uma uprem, da me ne potegne predaleč in pregloboko.
/ Now my main preocupation will be to use the power of my mind and fight, while I'm still at the beginning, the urge to sink into the obsession.
Japajade. Um ne bo tisti. Denarnici bo pa mogoče uspelo :)
/ Yeah right. It won't be the mind. But the wallet might succeed :)