Avgust namreč. Kar lepo, z enakomernimi koraki za julijem in junijem. Da kar nisem opazila, kdaj. / August namely. Just like that, with steady steps after July and June. Without me even noticing.
Minil je v delu, izletkih z družino, pripravah na šolo, raziskovanju FB-ja, vmes sem se po nekaj tednih dobila z mojimi dragimi kofetkarcami, in pustila sem, da me "ene male" popolnoma zasvojijo. / It was full of work, little trips with my family, getting ready for school, exploring FB, in the meantime I saw my dear coffee buddies after a few weeks and I let "those tiny ones" to take full control.
Sicer mi ni uspelo narediti veliko, ampak ko pa sem si vzela tistih nekaj minut na dan, sem vedno znova ugotovila, da bi te minute prav lahko bile tudi ure... / I didn't manage to make many things though, but every time I stole a few minutes to sit down with them, I saw those minutes could easily be hours just as well...
Vzorček od Eve mi je prijazno poslala Anita - pri njej sem ga tudi prvič videla in takoj vedela, da ga hočem tudi sama poskusit naredit. / I got this pattern (by Eva) from Anita - I saw it in her treasure box for the first time and I immediately knew I wanted to try it out.
Ja, bo še. / Yes, there's more to come.