Prvi iz druge runde. Seveda sem morala takoj preizkusiti še to.
The first one from the round two. Of course I had to try this right away.
Mešanica zgleda takole: / This is how the mix looks:
Vir/Source: www.redpandabeads.com
Uporabila sem temnejši del mešanice, svetlejše sem si prihranila za naslednje poskuse in za kombiniranje s črnimi, belimi in sivimi.
/ I used the darker tones and I saved the lighter ones for later - I intend to combine them with black, white and grey ones.
Pa še dilema: enojni ali dvojni? Zaenkrat je enojni, lahko pa se zgodi, da bo dvojni - zato še ni na vrvici. Nisem pa čisto prepričana, ker taki enojni vija-vaja tudi na "balkonih" kar dobro zgledajo :)
/ And now for the dilemma: single or double layer? For now it is single-layered, but I might make another one - that is why it is not on a cord yet.However, I'm not totally sure, because such wobbly single-layered ones also look quite good on a necklace.