...wouldn't heat up the oven. For one pendant, that is. I got an order for a pendant yesterday afternoon and went to make it right away, to make sure I'd have it done on time. Yes, of course it took me just a few minutes to make it. But you really wouldn't heat up the oven for just one :) So I ended up with the entire baking tray. Again...
In da slučajno ne pozabim:
DIDI mi je podelila nagrado "Veter v hrbet". Namenjena je blogom, ki imajo manj kot 100 spremljevalcev. Če sem iskrena, sploh nisem vedela, koliko spremljevalcev ima moj blog - s številko se ne obremenjujem, srce mi grejejo vsi prijazni komentarji in pohvale. Zato se bom, namesto da bi iskala bloge z majhnim številom spremljevalcev, zahvalila DIDI in vsem, ki me redno ali občasno obiščete v mojem kotičku in ste moj "veter v hrbet" :)
/ And one more thing:
I got the "Wind at My Back" award from DIDI. The award is for blogs with less than 100 followers. To be honest, I didn't even know how many followers my blog had - I don't put too much weight on the number; my heart is warmed by all friendly comments and praises. Therefore, instead of searching blogs with a small number of followers, I wish to thank DIDI and all of you who visit my little corner, either regularly or occassionally, and are the "wind at my back" :)