In vsi rečejo: Seveda, tako kot mama.
/ And they all say: Of course, just like her Mom.
Japajade. Če bi bila mama res kdaj tam, bi takle šal naredila z enim zamahom.
/ Yeah right. If Mom had really ever been there, she would have made such scarf with one flick.
Ampak je tudi z bunkeljskim izdelkom zadovoljna.
/ But she's satisfied with the muggle product as well.
In se zahvaljuje Urški za grb.
/ And is grateful to Urška for the coat of arms.
Verjetno bo prosila za še kakšnega. Ker je obsedenost nalezljiva...
/ She will probably ask for another one. Because obsession is contageous...
p.s. Če do konca objave niste uspeli ugotoviti, o čem govorim, vam bo tule mogoče malo bolj jasno.
/ p.s. If you didn't manage to figure out by now what I'm talking about, this might help.
p.p.s. Ja, ja, zdaj je še Bradavičarka, kmalu bodo pa fuzbal klubi... :)
/ p.p.s. Well, it is Hogwarts now, but it will be football clubs soon... :)