... so prispeli na cilj, dobili družbo in se pokazali vsem, zato jih lahko danes pokažem tudi jaz.
/ ... have arrived to their destination, got their company and were shown to the world, so I can show them too.
In ker bo mogoče kdo rekel: "Pa kako...?"
/ And as someone might say: "But how...?"
Podlaga: prozoren fimo, malo pobarvan z modro. Špagetki: bel fimo, čisto rahlo pobarvan z modro.
Base: transparent fimo, tinted a little bit with blue. Spaghetti: white fimo, tinted very lightly with blue.
Dva špagetka ovita en okoli drugega, naslednja dva ovita v nasprotni smeri. Malo vaje je potrebno, da je "pletenje" kolikor toliko enakomerno.
/ Two spaghetti wrapped one around another, next two spaghetti rolled in the opposite direction. It takes a little practice to get relatively even "knitting".
Širina petih "zank" ravno ustreza širini ploščice; če jo rahlo presega, lahko vse narahlo stisnemo skupaj s pomočjo rezila.
/ The width of five "loops" fits just right to the width of the inchie; if its wider, we can press it together lightly by using the cutting blade.
Razrezano na 2,5 cm. Nič posebnega, nič težkega...
/ Cut up into 2.5 cm. Nothing special, nothing hard...
Da pletenčki ne bi bili preveč dolgočasni, sem jim naredila še gumbke.
/ The little knitted ones were a bit too dull, so I made some buttons to go with them.
Iz tankega špagetka sem naredila še "sukanec".
/ I used some thin spaghetti to make the thread.
/ Sewn up.
Pripravljeni za peko.
/ Ready to be baked.
Spakirani za na pot - ker se bliža čas obdarovanj, sem vsakemu dodala enega mini prašička.
/ Packed for the road - with the time of giving gifts approaching, I added each a little piglet.
Tik pred pakiranjem v škatlo.
/ Right before packing in the box.
V družbi vseh ostalih jih lahko vidite tu in tu.
/ They are displayed together with the rest here and here.
Fajn jih je bilo delat :)
Nena, hvala še enkrat!
/ They were fun to make :)
Nena, thanks again!
30 november 2011
27 november 2011
Na tole sem pa čisto zares ponosna
Opogumljena z rezultati prvega eksperimentiranja z barvnimi lestvicami sem se pred časom lotila medsebojnega mešanja večih kombinacij - v vsaki kombinaciji en roza, en od dveh rumenih in en od treh modrih odtenkov.
/ Encouraged by results of the first experimenting with colour gradients, I went and try to mix several combinations - using one pink, two yellow and three blue tones.
Z vsakim novim odtenkom sem bila bolj navdušena,
/ With each new tone, I was getting more thrilled,
obenem pa sem vedno bolj razmišljala, na kakšen način bi nastale koščke spremenila v nosljivo obliko,
/ but also racking my brain and trying to come up with the best idea of putting all the pieces together
da bi ohranila "valovanje" in "mavričenje" odtenkov.
/ to preserve the "waving" and "rainbowing" of the tones.
Na koncu sem opustila idejo, da bi uporabila celotne lestvice, in sem iz vseh šestih kombinacij pobrala vijolične/roza, zelene/olivne in gorčične/rjavkaste trojke. In jih spremenila v take male, hrapave, "zeljne" rožice. In bila prav zares zadovoljna z rezultatom in s samo seboj. Ker je bil ta rezultat od vsega, kar sem kdaj naredila, najbliže tistemu, kar občudujem pri tistih tapravih, tavelikih "fimaricah"/PC ustvarjalkah: malo bolj nekonvencionalna oblika, malo bolj nepričakovane barve, malo več kot samo en obesek...
/ Finally, I abandoned the idea of using the entire gradients, and I picked all purple/pink, green/olive and mustard/brownish groups of three from all six combinations. And turned them into these little, coarse, "cabbage-like" flowers. And I was really really pleased with the result and with myself. Because this result was, more than anything that I've ever made, the closest thing to what I admire in those really grand PC artists: a bit unconventional from, a bit unexpected colours, a bit more than just a single pendant...
In že ko sem jih delala, sem si jih predstavljala na črni podlagi: "šopki" po tri na črnih ploščicah, nanizane na črno žico.
/ And already while making them, I saw them on a black background: "bunches" of three, on little black plates, all together on black wire.
Pa še po dve rožici za dodatke (uhane, broške ali prstane - še ne vem).
/ Two pairs of flowers for other accessories (earrings, brooches or rings - don't know yet).
V vseh šestih kombinacijah so bili oranžni odtenki najbolj izstopajoči. Zato sem jih združila in ponovila postopek - ravno toliko so se razlikovali, da je bil rezultat prav tako fajn.
/ In all six combinations, the orange tones stood out the most. So I combined them all and repeated the procedure - they were just enough different to give a great result as well.
Pa še modri. Na sivo modri podlagi. Se še nisem čisto odločila, kako in kaj bom z njimi.
/ And the blue ones. On a greyish blue background. I haven't decided yet how to put them together.
Še jih bom delala - brez dvoma!
Če se vam utrne ideja, kako naj jih imenujem - prosim povejte!
Če so vam všeč - izvolite, pokopirajte :)
/ I'll be making more of these - no doubt about that!
If you have an idea how to name them - please let me know!
If you like them - feel free to make them yourselves :)
Opogumljena z rezultati prvega eksperimentiranja z barvnimi lestvicami sem se pred časom lotila medsebojnega mešanja večih kombinacij - v vsaki kombinaciji en roza, en od dveh rumenih in en od treh modrih odtenkov.
/ Encouraged by results of the first experimenting with colour gradients, I went and try to mix several combinations - using one pink, two yellow and three blue tones.
Z vsakim novim odtenkom sem bila bolj navdušena,
/ With each new tone, I was getting more thrilled,
obenem pa sem vedno bolj razmišljala, na kakšen način bi nastale koščke spremenila v nosljivo obliko,
/ but also racking my brain and trying to come up with the best idea of putting all the pieces together
da bi ohranila "valovanje" in "mavričenje" odtenkov.
/ to preserve the "waving" and "rainbowing" of the tones.
Na koncu sem opustila idejo, da bi uporabila celotne lestvice, in sem iz vseh šestih kombinacij pobrala vijolične/roza, zelene/olivne in gorčične/rjavkaste trojke. In jih spremenila v take male, hrapave, "zeljne" rožice. In bila prav zares zadovoljna z rezultatom in s samo seboj. Ker je bil ta rezultat od vsega, kar sem kdaj naredila, najbliže tistemu, kar občudujem pri tistih tapravih, tavelikih "fimaricah"/PC ustvarjalkah: malo bolj nekonvencionalna oblika, malo bolj nepričakovane barve, malo več kot samo en obesek...
/ Finally, I abandoned the idea of using the entire gradients, and I picked all purple/pink, green/olive and mustard/brownish groups of three from all six combinations. And turned them into these little, coarse, "cabbage-like" flowers. And I was really really pleased with the result and with myself. Because this result was, more than anything that I've ever made, the closest thing to what I admire in those really grand PC artists: a bit unconventional from, a bit unexpected colours, a bit more than just a single pendant...
In že ko sem jih delala, sem si jih predstavljala na črni podlagi: "šopki" po tri na črnih ploščicah, nanizane na črno žico.
/ And already while making them, I saw them on a black background: "bunches" of three, on little black plates, all together on black wire.
Pa še po dve rožici za dodatke (uhane, broške ali prstane - še ne vem).
/ Two pairs of flowers for other accessories (earrings, brooches or rings - don't know yet).
V vseh šestih kombinacijah so bili oranžni odtenki najbolj izstopajoči. Zato sem jih združila in ponovila postopek - ravno toliko so se razlikovali, da je bil rezultat prav tako fajn.
/ In all six combinations, the orange tones stood out the most. So I combined them all and repeated the procedure - they were just enough different to give a great result as well.
Pa še modri. Na sivo modri podlagi. Se še nisem čisto odločila, kako in kaj bom z njimi.
/ And the blue ones. On a greyish blue background. I haven't decided yet how to put them together.
Še jih bom delala - brez dvoma!
Če se vam utrne ideja, kako naj jih imenujem - prosim povejte!
Če so vam všeč - izvolite, pokopirajte :)
/ I'll be making more of these - no doubt about that!
If you have an idea how to name them - please let me know!
If you like them - feel free to make them yourselves :)
25 november 2011
Spiralice - še enkrat
V eni od prejšnjih objav sem že napisala, da so me ti "polžki" čisto obnoreli. Dokaz je tu.
/ I already mentioned in one of previous posts that I've become totally crazy about these little ones. Here's the proof.
Najprej tisti, ki me je v bistvu pripravil do tega, da sem se spravila in napisala včerajšnja navodila.
/ First of all, the one that actually made me go and write the yesterday's tutorial.
Še skupaj s tistim iz navodil. Ko sta takole skupaj, se čisto malo vidi, da se mi je pri vijoličnem vtihotapilo nekaj koščkov Pardo mase in so bili špagetki zato malo bolj pacasti. Saj ne veliko, a ravno dovolj, da rjavi izgleda dosti bolj kompakten, čistejši, boljši...
/ Together with the one from the tutorial. When seen together like this, one can see that for the purple one, a few pieces of Pardo sneaked in, so the spaghetti were just a little bit softer. Not much, but just enough to make the brown one look much firmer, cleaner, better...
Ostali rjavi, pri katerih sem se ustavila pred zadnjim korakom :)
/ The other brown ones where I stopped before taking the last step :)
Modri - malo večji. Ta je bil čisto prvi od vseh - se vidi, da sem bila tako navdušena nad novo odkritim postopkom, da kar nisem mogla nehat :D
Me prav zanima, če bi to katera nosila na vratu...
/ The blue one - a bit larger. This one was the very first - it shows that I was so thrilled about the newly discovered procedure that I just couldn't stop :D
I wonder if anyone would be willing to wear this...
Zeleni - pečeni posamično. Tile bodo za nanizat.
/ Green ones - baked separately. Waiting to be made into a necklace.
Zgornje zelene-pečene sem odtisnila in naredila še tale kompletek.
/ I used the green-baked ones to make this set.
Ne, nisem se jih še naveličala. Sigurno jih boste še kaj videli.
/ No, I'm not tired of them yet. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them.
V eni od prejšnjih objav sem že napisala, da so me ti "polžki" čisto obnoreli. Dokaz je tu.
/ I already mentioned in one of previous posts that I've become totally crazy about these little ones. Here's the proof.
Najprej tisti, ki me je v bistvu pripravil do tega, da sem se spravila in napisala včerajšnja navodila.
/ First of all, the one that actually made me go and write the yesterday's tutorial.
Še skupaj s tistim iz navodil. Ko sta takole skupaj, se čisto malo vidi, da se mi je pri vijoličnem vtihotapilo nekaj koščkov Pardo mase in so bili špagetki zato malo bolj pacasti. Saj ne veliko, a ravno dovolj, da rjavi izgleda dosti bolj kompakten, čistejši, boljši...
/ Together with the one from the tutorial. When seen together like this, one can see that for the purple one, a few pieces of Pardo sneaked in, so the spaghetti were just a little bit softer. Not much, but just enough to make the brown one look much firmer, cleaner, better...
Ostali rjavi, pri katerih sem se ustavila pred zadnjim korakom :)
/ The other brown ones where I stopped before taking the last step :)
Modri - malo večji. Ta je bil čisto prvi od vseh - se vidi, da sem bila tako navdušena nad novo odkritim postopkom, da kar nisem mogla nehat :D
Me prav zanima, če bi to katera nosila na vratu...
/ The blue one - a bit larger. This one was the very first - it shows that I was so thrilled about the newly discovered procedure that I just couldn't stop :D
I wonder if anyone would be willing to wear this...
Zeleni - pečeni posamično. Tile bodo za nanizat.
/ Green ones - baked separately. Waiting to be made into a necklace.
Zgornje zelene-pečene sem odtisnila in naredila še tale kompletek.
/ I used the green-baked ones to make this set.
Ne, nisem se jih še naveličala. Sigurno jih boste še kaj videli.
/ No, I'm not tired of them yet. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them.
24 november 2011
Spiralice. Z navodili
Sem ugotovila, da že dolgo nisem objavila kakšnega postopka. Zato do takrat, ko bom imela kaj sestavljeno in za pokazat, objavljam nekaj malega - nič revolucionarnega, mogoče pa komu vseeno pride prav.
/ I've realised that I haven't posted any procedures for quite some time. So, until I have some pieces assembled and ready to show, I'm posting a little tutorial - nothing very new, but maybe helpful to some.
Pa dajmo. Z ekstruderjem naredimo nekaj "špagetov". Za prelivajoče barve ga napolnimo z raznobarvnimi kroglicami fima. Eno polnjenje je za takšen obesek več kot dovolj. In uporabimo ploščico z 12 luknjami.
/ Here goes. Using the extruder, we make some "spaghetti". To get blended colours, we fill the barrel with little balls of different colours. One round is more than enough for a pendant of this size. And we use the 12-hole plate.
Špagetke zvijemo v različno velike spiralice, enega ali dva pa si pustimo za rezervo.
/ We roll the spaghetti into coils of different sizes and we put one or two unrolled ones aside.
Pripravimo si modelčke z različno velikimi "okroglinami" za izrezovanje: okrogli in ovalni modelčki za kekse, zgornji del debelega flomastra, vezni elementi za vodovodne cevi - tu imamo celo dve velikosti na enem kosu :)
Seveda lahko uporabimo samo eno velikost. Takole je pač malo bolj razgibano.
/ We take round cutters of different sizes: round and oval cookie cutters, the upper end of a thick marker, a joining piece for plumbing pipes - here we even have one piece with two ends of different sizes :)
Of course we can also use just one size. But this makes it a bit more interesting.
Vzamemo eno od večjih spiral in odrežemo nekaj roba. Pred rezanjem si spirale malo ogledamo in jih obračamo tako, da postopoma odrežemo konce in večino nepravilnosti na spiralah.
/ We take one of the larger coils and cut off a bit of its edge. Before cutting, we take a look at the coils and arrange them in a way that allows us to cut off the ends and the most of potential irregularities.
Poiščemo spiralo ustrezne velikosti in jo položimo na mesto odrezanega dela.
/ We find a coil of suitable size and put it in place of the cut-out piece.
Odrežemo tam, kjer se obe spirali stikata, in dopolnimo z novo.
/ We cut a bit of both coils off and place another one there.
Za večjo spiralo zarežemo bolj globoko. Pa saj razumete...
/ For a larger coil, we make a larger cut. Well, you get the picture...
Še moj vodovodarski :)
/ My plumbing tool :)
/ etc.
Ko ploščica doseže takšno velikost, da si že lahko predstavljamo robove obeska, prenehamo z dodajanjem spiral.
/ Once the pendant reaches the size where we can visualise its edges, we stop adding coils.
Po želji dodamo še kakšno manjšo spiralo v sredino: izrežemo luknjo (na meji med spiralami ali na sredi ene same velike) in vanjo položimo enako veliko spiralo, ki jo moramo izrezati iz ene od obstoječih, ker se drugače zaradi konca ne prilega dovolj dobro v luknjo.
/ If we wish, we can add some smaller coils: we cut out a hole (on a line between two or three coils or in the middle of one larger one) and place a coil of the same size in it, but we need to cut it out from a rolled coil just as well, otherwise it won't fit well into the hole.
Vse skupaj previdno poberemo s širokim rezilom (lahko je tudi širok nož ali pleskarska lopatka), jo položimo na razvaljano plast fima in poljubno obrežemo.
/ We lift everything carefully with a wide blade (a knife or a spatula), place it on a rolled out sheet of fimo and cut to the desired shape.
* Tukaj lahko prenehamo in obesek utrdimo v pečici. Če nameravamo naknadno še "obleči" zadnjo stran in robove, je vseeno, na kakšno barvo položimo spirale. Če pa ga hočemo pustiti v takšni obliki, morda izberemo podlago v ujemajoči barvi.
/ * Here we can stop the procedure and bake the pendant in the oven. If we intend to cover the back side and the edges later on, the coils can be placed on a sheet of any colour. However, if we wish to leave it as it is, we will probably use a layer of matching colour.
Če pa želimo nadaljevati... potem pa že vemo, kaj sledi, kajne? :D
/ But if we decide to continue... then we already know what's next, right? :D
Nekaj minut kasneje:
/ A few minutes later:
Spečemo, oblečemo, še enkrat spečemo.
/ Baked, covered, baked once again.
Upam, da je bilo dovolj razumljivo. Če vas še kaj zanima, prosim vprašajte. In komaj čakam, da bom lahko pogledala linke do vaših izdelkov :)
/ I hope this was clear enough. If you wish to know anything more, feel free to ask. And I can't wait to check out the links to your creations :)
Sem ugotovila, da že dolgo nisem objavila kakšnega postopka. Zato do takrat, ko bom imela kaj sestavljeno in za pokazat, objavljam nekaj malega - nič revolucionarnega, mogoče pa komu vseeno pride prav.
/ I've realised that I haven't posted any procedures for quite some time. So, until I have some pieces assembled and ready to show, I'm posting a little tutorial - nothing very new, but maybe helpful to some.
Pa dajmo. Z ekstruderjem naredimo nekaj "špagetov". Za prelivajoče barve ga napolnimo z raznobarvnimi kroglicami fima. Eno polnjenje je za takšen obesek več kot dovolj. In uporabimo ploščico z 12 luknjami.
/ Here goes. Using the extruder, we make some "spaghetti". To get blended colours, we fill the barrel with little balls of different colours. One round is more than enough for a pendant of this size. And we use the 12-hole plate.
Špagetke zvijemo v različno velike spiralice, enega ali dva pa si pustimo za rezervo.
/ We roll the spaghetti into coils of different sizes and we put one or two unrolled ones aside.
Pripravimo si modelčke z različno velikimi "okroglinami" za izrezovanje: okrogli in ovalni modelčki za kekse, zgornji del debelega flomastra, vezni elementi za vodovodne cevi - tu imamo celo dve velikosti na enem kosu :)
Seveda lahko uporabimo samo eno velikost. Takole je pač malo bolj razgibano.
/ We take round cutters of different sizes: round and oval cookie cutters, the upper end of a thick marker, a joining piece for plumbing pipes - here we even have one piece with two ends of different sizes :)
Of course we can also use just one size. But this makes it a bit more interesting.
Vzamemo eno od večjih spiral in odrežemo nekaj roba. Pred rezanjem si spirale malo ogledamo in jih obračamo tako, da postopoma odrežemo konce in večino nepravilnosti na spiralah.
/ We take one of the larger coils and cut off a bit of its edge. Before cutting, we take a look at the coils and arrange them in a way that allows us to cut off the ends and the most of potential irregularities.
Poiščemo spiralo ustrezne velikosti in jo položimo na mesto odrezanega dela.
/ We find a coil of suitable size and put it in place of the cut-out piece.
Odrežemo tam, kjer se obe spirali stikata, in dopolnimo z novo.
/ We cut a bit of both coils off and place another one there.
Za večjo spiralo zarežemo bolj globoko. Pa saj razumete...
/ For a larger coil, we make a larger cut. Well, you get the picture...
Še moj vodovodarski :)
/ My plumbing tool :)
/ etc.
Ko ploščica doseže takšno velikost, da si že lahko predstavljamo robove obeska, prenehamo z dodajanjem spiral.
/ Once the pendant reaches the size where we can visualise its edges, we stop adding coils.
Po želji dodamo še kakšno manjšo spiralo v sredino: izrežemo luknjo (na meji med spiralami ali na sredi ene same velike) in vanjo položimo enako veliko spiralo, ki jo moramo izrezati iz ene od obstoječih, ker se drugače zaradi konca ne prilega dovolj dobro v luknjo.
/ If we wish, we can add some smaller coils: we cut out a hole (on a line between two or three coils or in the middle of one larger one) and place a coil of the same size in it, but we need to cut it out from a rolled coil just as well, otherwise it won't fit well into the hole.
Vse skupaj previdno poberemo s širokim rezilom (lahko je tudi širok nož ali pleskarska lopatka), jo položimo na razvaljano plast fima in poljubno obrežemo.
/ We lift everything carefully with a wide blade (a knife or a spatula), place it on a rolled out sheet of fimo and cut to the desired shape.
* Tukaj lahko prenehamo in obesek utrdimo v pečici. Če nameravamo naknadno še "obleči" zadnjo stran in robove, je vseeno, na kakšno barvo položimo spirale. Če pa ga hočemo pustiti v takšni obliki, morda izberemo podlago v ujemajoči barvi.
/ * Here we can stop the procedure and bake the pendant in the oven. If we intend to cover the back side and the edges later on, the coils can be placed on a sheet of any colour. However, if we wish to leave it as it is, we will probably use a layer of matching colour.
Če pa želimo nadaljevati... potem pa že vemo, kaj sledi, kajne? :D
/ But if we decide to continue... then we already know what's next, right? :D
Nekaj minut kasneje:
/ A few minutes later:
Spečemo, oblečemo, še enkrat spečemo.
/ Baked, covered, baked once again.
Upam, da je bilo dovolj razumljivo. Če vas še kaj zanima, prosim vprašajte. In komaj čakam, da bom lahko pogledala linke do vaših izdelkov :)
/ I hope this was clear enough. If you wish to know anything more, feel free to ask. And I can't wait to check out the links to your creations :)
23 november 2011
Še kar pri fimu (nad.)
Spet je bila fajna seansa. Ne vem, kako je z ostalimi "fimarcami", ampak jaz sem naravnana tako, da ko po določeni pavzi sedem k mizi, polni fima, kljub polni glavi idej ne spravim skupaj kaj več kot preverjene, ustaljene, "šolske" kose. Če pa imam malo več časa na voljo, se pa stvari začnejo razvijat v malo boljši smeri, tako da mi je kar problem zaključit. Tudi tokrat. Nehala sem šteti, kolikokrat sem v teh dneh rekla "samo še tole, potem pa res konec". Štirikrat sem imela vmes fimo kovček pospravljen in zaprt, pa mi ni dalo miru in sem vedno znova namontirala paštamašino, razprostrla pripomočke in "še nekaj malo probala". :)
/ I had another great session. I don't know how it is with other PC crafters but when I sit down to fimo after a longer break, my head is full of ideas but nevertheless, I only manage to make some familiar, tested, "school" stuff. However, if I have some more time, then things get to develop in a better direction, making it difficult to stop. As it was the case this time. I lost count of how many times I said, "just this one and then I'll stop". I put everything in my fimo box and closed it shut four times, but there was always something that kept bugging me so over and over again, I took out the pasta machine and all other tools and "just tried something". :)
Zdaj je treba pa še nekaj stvari polakirat, nekaj luknjic navrtat, nanizat, pofotkat in pokazat. Dela do konca novembra dovolj.
/ And now there is some varnishing to be done, some holes to be drilled, some assembling, photo taking and putting on display. Enough work until the end of November.
Za začetek in za sladko pričakovanje pa danes pokažem eno mini naročilo - čokoladne piškotke na krožničku za na verižico in posamične za na uhančke.
/ To begin with, and for sweet anticipation, I'm posting a mini order today - chocolate chip cookies on a plate to be worn on a necklace and some separate ones for earrings.
Ja, seveda tudi z monetarno enoto :)
/ Yes, of course, one with the monetary unit :)
Šele na fotki sem videla, da čokoladne kapljice niso v pravem razmerju s piškoti - ampak mislim, da bi me vsi čokoholiki imeli radi, če bi tudi v resnici pekla piškote s toliko čokolade :)
/ It was only when I saw the photos when I realised that the chocolate chips are not in the correct ratio compared to the cookies - but I believe all chocoholics would love me if I actually baked cookies with that much chocolate :)
Seveda se nam jih je zahotelo - vsem v družini. Ampak za čokoladne ni bilo sestavin doma, za kokosove so pa bile. Po preverjenem receptu, polovična količina, ravno prav za pomirit sladkosnednost...
/ Of course we got cravings for them - all of us. But I did not have ingredients for the chocolate ones. However, I had everything I needed for some coconut cookies. Tested recipe, half a batch, just enough to soothe the sweet tooth...
Sladek dan vam želim!
/ Have a sweet day!
Spet je bila fajna seansa. Ne vem, kako je z ostalimi "fimarcami", ampak jaz sem naravnana tako, da ko po določeni pavzi sedem k mizi, polni fima, kljub polni glavi idej ne spravim skupaj kaj več kot preverjene, ustaljene, "šolske" kose. Če pa imam malo več časa na voljo, se pa stvari začnejo razvijat v malo boljši smeri, tako da mi je kar problem zaključit. Tudi tokrat. Nehala sem šteti, kolikokrat sem v teh dneh rekla "samo še tole, potem pa res konec". Štirikrat sem imela vmes fimo kovček pospravljen in zaprt, pa mi ni dalo miru in sem vedno znova namontirala paštamašino, razprostrla pripomočke in "še nekaj malo probala". :)
/ I had another great session. I don't know how it is with other PC crafters but when I sit down to fimo after a longer break, my head is full of ideas but nevertheless, I only manage to make some familiar, tested, "school" stuff. However, if I have some more time, then things get to develop in a better direction, making it difficult to stop. As it was the case this time. I lost count of how many times I said, "just this one and then I'll stop". I put everything in my fimo box and closed it shut four times, but there was always something that kept bugging me so over and over again, I took out the pasta machine and all other tools and "just tried something". :)
Zdaj je treba pa še nekaj stvari polakirat, nekaj luknjic navrtat, nanizat, pofotkat in pokazat. Dela do konca novembra dovolj.
/ And now there is some varnishing to be done, some holes to be drilled, some assembling, photo taking and putting on display. Enough work until the end of November.
Za začetek in za sladko pričakovanje pa danes pokažem eno mini naročilo - čokoladne piškotke na krožničku za na verižico in posamične za na uhančke.
/ To begin with, and for sweet anticipation, I'm posting a mini order today - chocolate chip cookies on a plate to be worn on a necklace and some separate ones for earrings.
Ja, seveda tudi z monetarno enoto :)
/ Yes, of course, one with the monetary unit :)
Šele na fotki sem videla, da čokoladne kapljice niso v pravem razmerju s piškoti - ampak mislim, da bi me vsi čokoholiki imeli radi, če bi tudi v resnici pekla piškote s toliko čokolade :)
/ It was only when I saw the photos when I realised that the chocolate chips are not in the correct ratio compared to the cookies - but I believe all chocoholics would love me if I actually baked cookies with that much chocolate :)
Seveda se nam jih je zahotelo - vsem v družini. Ampak za čokoladne ni bilo sestavin doma, za kokosove so pa bile. Po preverjenem receptu, polovična količina, ravno prav za pomirit sladkosnednost...
/ Of course we got cravings for them - all of us. But I did not have ingredients for the chocolate ones. However, I had everything I needed for some coconut cookies. Tested recipe, half a batch, just enough to soothe the sweet tooth...
Sladek dan vam želim!
/ Have a sweet day!
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