LITTLE COILS. WITH INSTRUCTIONSSem ugotovila, da že dolgo nisem objavila kakšnega postopka. Zato do takrat, ko bom imela kaj sestavljeno in za pokazat, objavljam nekaj malega - nič revolucionarnega, mogoče pa komu vseeno pride prav.
I've realised that I haven't posted any procedures for quite some time. So, until I have some pieces assembled and ready to show, I'm posting a little tutorial - nothing very new, but maybe helpful to some.

Pa dajmo. Z ekstruderjem naredimo nekaj "špagetov". Za prelivajoče barve ga napolnimo z raznobarvnimi kroglicami fima. Eno polnjenje je za takšen obesek več kot dovolj. In uporabimo ploščico z 12 luknjami.
Here goes. Using the extruder, we make some "spaghetti". To get blended colours, we fill the barrel with little balls of different colours. One round is more than enough for a pendant of this size. And we use the 12-hole plate.
Špagetke zvijemo v različno velike spiralice, enega ali dva pa si pustimo za rezervo.
We roll the spaghetti into coils of different sizes and we put one or two unrolled ones aside.

Pripravimo si modelčke z različno velikimi "okroglinami" za izrezovanje: okrogli in ovalni modelčki za kekse, zgornji del debelega flomastra, vezni elementi za vodovodne cevi - tu imamo celo dve velikosti na enem kosu :)
Seveda lahko uporabimo samo eno velikost. Takole je pač malo bolj razgibano.
We take round cutters of different sizes: round and oval cookie cutters, the upper end of a thick marker, a joining piece for plumbing pipes - here we even have one piece with two ends of different sizes :)
Of course we can also use just one size. But this makes it a bit more interesting.
Vzamemo eno od večjih spiral in odrežemo nekaj roba. Pred rezanjem si spirale malo ogledamo in jih obračamo tako, da postopoma odrežemo konce in večino nepravilnosti na spiralah.
We take one of the larger coils and cut off a bit of its edge. Before cutting, we take a look at the coils and arrange them in a way that allows us to cut off the ends and the most of potential irregularities.
Poiščemo spiralo ustrezne velikosti in jo položimo na mesto odrezanega dela.
We find a coil of suitable size and put it in place of the cut-out piece.
Odrežemo tam, kjer se obe spirali stikata, in dopolnimo z novo.
We cut a bit of both coils off and place another one there.

Za večjo spiralo zarežemo bolj globoko. Pa saj razumete...
For a larger coil, we make a larger cut. Well, you get the picture...

Še moj vodovodarski :)
My plumbing tool :)

Ko ploščica doseže takšno velikost, da si že lahko predstavljamo robove obeska, prenehamo z dodajanjem spiral.
Once the pendant reaches the size where we can visualise its edges, we stop adding coils.
Po želji dodamo še kakšno manjšo spiralo v sredino: izrežemo luknjo (na meji med spiralami ali na sredi ene same velike) in vanjo položimo enako veliko spiralo, ki jo moramo izrezati iz ene od obstoječih, ker se drugače zaradi konca ne prilega dovolj dobro v luknjo.
If we wish, we can add some smaller coils: we cut out a hole (on a line between two or three coils or in the middle of one larger one) and place a coil of the same size in it, but we need to cut it out from a rolled coil just as well, otherwise it won't fit well into the hole.

Vse skupaj previdno poberemo s širokim rezilom (lahko je tudi širok nož ali pleskarska lopatka), jo položimo na razvaljano plast fima in poljubno obrežemo.
We lift everything carefully with a wide blade (a knife or a spatula), place it on a rolled out sheet of fimo and cut to the desired shape.* Tukaj lahko prenehamo in obesek utrdimo v pečici. Če nameravamo naknadno še "obleči" zadnjo stran in robove, je vseeno, na kakšno barvo položimo spirale. Če pa ga hočemo pustiti v takšni obliki, morda izberemo podlago v ujemajoči barvi.
/ *
Here we can stop the procedure and bake the pendant in the oven. If we intend to cover the back side and the edges later on, the coils can be placed on a sheet of any colour. However, if we wish to leave it as it is, we will probably use a layer of matching colour.
Če pa želimo nadaljevati... potem pa že vemo, kaj sledi, kajne? :D
But if we decide to continue... then we already know what's next, right? :D

Nekaj minut kasneje:
A few minutes later:
Spečemo, oblečemo, še enkrat spečemo.
Baked, covered, baked once again.
Upam, da je bilo dovolj razumljivo. Če vas še kaj zanima, prosim vprašajte. In komaj čakam, da bom lahko pogledala linke do vaših izdelkov :)
I hope this was clear enough. If you wish to know anything more, feel free to ask. And I can't wait to check out the links to your creations :)