Spet je bila fajna seansa. Ne vem, kako je z ostalimi "fimarcami", ampak jaz sem naravnana tako, da ko po določeni pavzi sedem k mizi, polni fima, kljub polni glavi idej ne spravim skupaj kaj več kot preverjene, ustaljene, "šolske" kose. Če pa imam malo več časa na voljo, se pa stvari začnejo razvijat v malo boljši smeri, tako da mi je kar problem zaključit. Tudi tokrat. Nehala sem šteti, kolikokrat sem v teh dneh rekla "samo še tole, potem pa res konec". Štirikrat sem imela vmes fimo kovček pospravljen in zaprt, pa mi ni dalo miru in sem vedno znova namontirala paštamašino, razprostrla pripomočke in "še nekaj malo probala". :)
/ I had another great session. I don't know how it is with other PC crafters but when I sit down to fimo after a longer break, my head is full of ideas but nevertheless, I only manage to make some familiar, tested, "school" stuff. However, if I have some more time, then things get to develop in a better direction, making it difficult to stop. As it was the case this time. I lost count of how many times I said, "just this one and then I'll stop". I put everything in my fimo box and closed it shut four times, but there was always something that kept bugging me so over and over again, I took out the pasta machine and all other tools and "just tried something". :)
Zdaj je treba pa še nekaj stvari polakirat, nekaj luknjic navrtat, nanizat, pofotkat in pokazat. Dela do konca novembra dovolj.
/ And now there is some varnishing to be done, some holes to be drilled, some assembling, photo taking and putting on display. Enough work until the end of November.
Za začetek in za sladko pričakovanje pa danes pokažem eno mini naročilo - čokoladne piškotke na krožničku za na verižico in posamične za na uhančke.
/ To begin with, and for sweet anticipation, I'm posting a mini order today - chocolate chip cookies on a plate to be worn on a necklace and some separate ones for earrings.
Ja, seveda tudi z monetarno enoto :)
/ Yes, of course, one with the monetary unit :)
Šele na fotki sem videla, da čokoladne kapljice niso v pravem razmerju s piškoti - ampak mislim, da bi me vsi čokoholiki imeli radi, če bi tudi v resnici pekla piškote s toliko čokolade :)
/ It was only when I saw the photos when I realised that the chocolate chips are not in the correct ratio compared to the cookies - but I believe all chocoholics would love me if I actually baked cookies with that much chocolate :)
Seveda se nam jih je zahotelo - vsem v družini. Ampak za čokoladne ni bilo sestavin doma, za kokosove so pa bile. Po preverjenem receptu, polovična količina, ravno prav za pomirit sladkosnednost...
/ Of course we got cravings for them - all of us. But I did not have ingredients for the chocolate ones. However, I had everything I needed for some coconut cookies. Tested recipe, half a batch, just enough to soothe the sweet tooth...
Sladek dan vam želim!
/ Have a sweet day!