Opogumljena z rezultati prvega eksperimentiranja z barvnimi lestvicami sem se pred časom lotila medsebojnega mešanja večih kombinacij - v vsaki kombinaciji en roza, en od dveh rumenih in en od treh modrih odtenkov.
/ Encouraged by results of the first experimenting with colour gradients, I went and try to mix several combinations - using one pink, two yellow and three blue tones.
Z vsakim novim odtenkom sem bila bolj navdušena,
/ With each new tone, I was getting more thrilled,

obenem pa sem vedno bolj razmišljala, na kakšen način bi nastale koščke spremenila v nosljivo obliko,
/ but also racking my brain and trying to come up with the best idea of putting all the pieces together

da bi ohranila "valovanje" in "mavričenje" odtenkov.
/ to preserve the "waving" and "rainbowing" of the tones.

Na koncu sem opustila idejo, da bi uporabila celotne lestvice, in sem iz vseh šestih kombinacij pobrala vijolične/roza, zelene/olivne in gorčične/rjavkaste trojke. In jih spremenila v take male, hrapave, "zeljne" rožice. In bila prav zares zadovoljna z rezultatom in s samo seboj. Ker je bil ta rezultat od vsega, kar sem kdaj naredila, najbliže tistemu, kar občudujem pri tistih tapravih, tavelikih "fimaricah"/PC ustvarjalkah: malo bolj nekonvencionalna oblika, malo bolj nepričakovane barve, malo več kot samo en obesek...
/ Finally, I abandoned the idea of using the entire gradients, and I picked all purple/pink, green/olive and mustard/brownish groups of three from all six combinations. And turned them into these little, coarse, "cabbage-like" flowers. And I was really really pleased with the result and with myself. Because this result was, more than anything that I've ever made, the closest thing to what I admire in those really grand PC artists: a bit unconventional from, a bit unexpected colours, a bit more than just a single pendant...
In že ko sem jih delala, sem si jih predstavljala na črni podlagi: "šopki" po tri na črnih ploščicah, nanizane na črno žico.
/ And already while making them, I saw them on a black background: "bunches" of three, on little black plates, all together on black wire.
Pa še po dve rožici za dodatke (uhane, broške ali prstane - še ne vem).
/ Two pairs of flowers for other accessories (earrings, brooches or rings - don't know yet).
V vseh šestih kombinacijah so bili oranžni odtenki najbolj izstopajoči. Zato sem jih združila in ponovila postopek - ravno toliko so se razlikovali, da je bil rezultat prav tako fajn.
/ In all six combinations, the orange tones stood out the most. So I combined them all and repeated the procedure - they were just enough different to give a great result as well.
Pa še modri. Na sivo modri podlagi. Se še nisem čisto odločila, kako in kaj bom z njimi.
/ And the blue ones. On a greyish blue background. I haven't decided yet how to put them together.
Še jih bom delala - brez dvoma!
Če se vam utrne ideja, kako naj jih imenujem - prosim povejte!
Če so vam všeč - izvolite, pokopirajte :)
/ I'll be making more of these - no doubt about that!
If you have an idea how to name them - please let me know!
If you like them - feel free to make them yourselves :)