V eni od prejšnjih objav sem že napisala, da so me ti "polžki" čisto obnoreli. Dokaz je tu.
/ I already mentioned in one of previous posts that I've become totally crazy about these little ones. Here's the proof.
Najprej tisti, ki me je v bistvu pripravil do tega, da sem se spravila in napisala včerajšnja navodila.
/ First of all, the one that actually made me go and write the yesterday's tutorial.
Še skupaj s tistim iz navodil. Ko sta takole skupaj, se čisto malo vidi, da se mi je pri vijoličnem vtihotapilo nekaj koščkov Pardo mase in so bili špagetki zato malo bolj pacasti. Saj ne veliko, a ravno dovolj, da rjavi izgleda dosti bolj kompakten, čistejši, boljši...
/ Together with the one from the tutorial. When seen together like this, one can see that for the purple one, a few pieces of Pardo sneaked in, so the spaghetti were just a little bit softer. Not much, but just enough to make the brown one look much firmer, cleaner, better...
Ostali rjavi, pri katerih sem se ustavila pred zadnjim korakom :)
/ The other brown ones where I stopped before taking the last step :)
Modri - malo večji. Ta je bil čisto prvi od vseh - se vidi, da sem bila tako navdušena nad novo odkritim postopkom, da kar nisem mogla nehat :D
Me prav zanima, če bi to katera nosila na vratu...
/ The blue one - a bit larger. This one was the very first - it shows that I was so thrilled about the newly discovered procedure that I just couldn't stop :D
I wonder if anyone would be willing to wear this...
Zeleni - pečeni posamično. Tile bodo za nanizat.
/ Green ones - baked separately. Waiting to be made into a necklace.
Zgornje zelene-pečene sem odtisnila in naredila še tale kompletek.
/ I used the green-baked ones to make this set.
Ne, nisem se jih še naveličala. Sigurno jih boste še kaj videli.
/ No, I'm not tired of them yet. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them.