Pogled na uro - čez dve uri zaprejo pošto!
Zaloga rojstnodnevnih čestitk - je ni.
Bom kupila čestitko? - O, to pa ne.
A še sploh znam kaj naredit po tako dolgem času? - Nnnjaa, no poskusimo.
A material pa je? - Ja, to pa ja.
/nekoliko pozneje/
No, glede na zarjavelost... črte so še vedno ravne, pa muci nosi pravo sporočilo.
Še napisat, podpisat, v kuverto, aja, ne še, še fotkat, joj, pa svetlobe ni prave!
/še nekoliko pozneje/
Uf, sem le uspela ujeti pošto.
Ampak zdaj se pa res moram vsest pa si neko zalogo naredit, da ne bom vsakič takole...
O, glej, kak vzorček! To moram nujno probat! Kje imam one perlice?
Ni mi pomoči...
A glimpse at the calendar - the birthday's tomorrow!
A glimpse at the clock - the post office closes in two hours!
The stash of birthday cards - no such thing.
Am I going to buy one? - No way.
Will I be able to make anything at all after such a long time? - Weeelll, I can try.
But do I have the material? - Oh, yes, that's for sure.
/a bit later/
Well, considering the rustiness... the lines are still straight and the kitty carries just the right message.
Write, sign, pack, wait, not yet, take a photo, oh, the light's not right!
/and a bit later/
Phew, I managed to post it.
But now I really need to sit down and make a few cards so that I won't be like this every time...
Oh, look at that pattern! I definitely need to try this out! Where did I put those beads?
I'm a lost case...
p.s. Vse najboljše, E.!
p.s. Happy birthday, E.!