Bolj malo mi uspeva ustvarjati te dni. Za kakšne večje stvari ne utegnem niti materiala zvleči na kup, kaj šele, da bi par ur v miru delala.
/ I don't get to create much in these days. I don't even have time to bring the materials together, let alone sit and work for a few hours.
Le kakšna miniaturica nastane kar tako vmes.
/ I only manage to steal anough time to make a mini project here and there.

In tale... recimo sovica (amigurumi mojstrice, ne se mi smejat!) - Urški za srečno pot na njenem potovanju.
/ I also made this... let's say owl (masters of amigurumi, please don't laugh!) - for Urška, to wish her luck on her trip.
Pa nekaj kvačkank imam po vseh možnih torbah, da lahko, kadarkoli kam grem, naredim par centimetrov. Tu je ena od njih - perlice so lesene, 4-milimetrske, s Frogwilla, zaporedje 4 barv, kvačkano na 5, da se malo zamikajo.
/ And I have a half-finished crocheted necklace in every bag, so wherever I go, I can make a few more centrimetres. Here's one of them - 4-milimetre wooden beads, bought from Frogwill, with 4 colours strung in a sequence and crocheted in a 5-bead tube.
Se pa spet vidi barva tal in prvotna oblika polic v mojem kotičku. To pa je tudi nekaj.
/ But I can also see the colour of the floor and the original shape of shelves in my cabinet. Which is also a success.