Saj sem vedela, da se jih ne bi smela dotakniti. Delica perlic namreč. Prav zares imajo čarobno moč.
/ I knew I shouldn't have touched them. Delica beads namely. They do have magical powers, honestly.
Takle je bil moj prvi kupček za preizkušanje
/ This is what my first test mix looked like
Vir/Source: www.redpandabeads.com
In čeprav vem, da me čaka še dolga pot, da bi se sploh približala Aniti, Alenki, Jani in MyCrafty, grem z velikim veseljem na pot. Tudi brez hrane in pijače :)
/ And even though I know I've got a long way to go in order to come somewhere near Anita, Alenka, Jana and McCrafty, I'm willing to take that trip. Even without food and drink :)
In če se sprašujete, ja, moj trikotnik je res vija-vaja - na vseh treh stranicah. A šele ko naredim naslednjega, vam bom lahko povedala, če se mi je to posrečilo ali ponesrečilo ;)
/ And in case you're wondering, yes, my triangle is wavy - on all three sides. But only after I've done the next one, I'll be able to tell you whether this was luck or a mishap ;)