Pa ne tiste klasične - trajekt/plaža/zvečer v mestu - fotke z morja. Moje so večinoma nastala na jutranjem solo pohajkovanju - letos sem si zadala, da sem vstajala ob šestih in uživala v hladu in miru (za lenarjenje je bilo dovolj časa tudi pozneje, ko je bilo bolj vroče).
/ But not those classical - ferry/beach/evening in town - photos from the seaside. Mine were usually taken on my morning solo strolls - this year I managed to get up at six every morning and savour the chill and peace (there was enough time for laziness later, as it got hotter).
Nekaj rastlin / A few plants
Sivka (ja, seveda) / Lavender (well, naturally)
Plovila, takšna in drugačna / Different vessels
Nič nisem imela s tem. Res ne. (So še drugi pacienti.) :)
/ I had nothing to do with this. Really. (There are other nuts too.) :)
Fajn je bilo. / It was nice.