Po morju smo se odpravili še na dolgo obljubljan izlet v Nemčijo in obisk Legolanda.
/ After we returned from the seaside, we took a long promised trip to Germany and a visit to Legoland.
V hotel smo prispeli nekaj ur pred polfinalno tekmo Nemčija : Španija. Nogometno vzdušje smo od blizu in v živo doživeli v Ulmu. Ulice prazne, skoraj popolnoma opustele, ljudje pa zbrani pred ekrani, večjimi in manjšimi.
/ We arrived at the hotel a few hours before the semi-final match Germany : Spain. We experienced the football feeling in Ulm. The streets were almost totally empty, and people were gathered in front of monitors, big and small.
Tudi v samem središču mesta ni bilo ravno veliko sprehajalcev...
/ Not even in the town centre itself were there many strollers...
Čakaj, kaj je tisto tam, daleč spredaj, na sredi slike? Španska zastava? Neeee, saj ni...
/ Wait, what's that, far at the front, in the centre of the photo? A Spanish flag? Naaa, it can't be...
Jp, 100% pogum :)
/ Yep, 100% courage :)
Nekoliko pred koncem tekme smo se vrnili v hotel, se naspali in se naslednje jutro odpeljali do Legolanda.
/ A few minutes before the end of the game, we retured to the hotel, and next morning, we visited Legoland.
Poleg stalnega zabaviščnega dela, kjer smo se po mili volji navozili na vlakcih in ladjicah, in si ogledali vse razstavljeno,
/ Beside the theme park where we took as many rides on rollercoasters and boats as we wanted, and where we could see all the exhibited things,
so ravno takrat imeli dvakrat dnevno tudi predstavo kitajskega cirkusa. Absolutno za videt!
/ there was also a Chinese circus group performing twice each day. An absolute must-see!
Še nekaj osvežitvenih...
/ A few more refreshing ones...
Še eno noč smo prespali v istem hotelu, naslednji dan pa smo se na poti proti domu za nekaj ur ustavili še v Tehniškem muzeju v Münchnu.
/ We spent one more night in the same hotel and the next day, on our way back home, we spent a few hours visiting the Technical Museum in Munich.
Fajn je bilo.
/ The trip was fun.