... so prispeli na cilj, dobili družbo in se pokazali vsem, zato jih lahko danes pokažem tudi jaz.
/ ... have arrived to their destination, got their company and were shown to the world, so I can show them too.
In ker bo mogoče kdo rekel: "Pa kako...?"
/ And as someone might say: "But how...?"
Podlaga: prozoren fimo, malo pobarvan z modro. Špagetki: bel fimo, čisto rahlo pobarvan z modro.
Base: transparent fimo, tinted a little bit with blue. Spaghetti: white fimo, tinted very lightly with blue.
Dva špagetka ovita en okoli drugega, naslednja dva ovita v nasprotni smeri. Malo vaje je potrebno, da je "pletenje" kolikor toliko enakomerno.
/ Two spaghetti wrapped one around another, next two spaghetti rolled in the opposite direction. It takes a little practice to get relatively even "knitting".
Širina petih "zank" ravno ustreza širini ploščice; če jo rahlo presega, lahko vse narahlo stisnemo skupaj s pomočjo rezila.
/ The width of five "loops" fits just right to the width of the inchie; if its wider, we can press it together lightly by using the cutting blade.
Razrezano na 2,5 cm. Nič posebnega, nič težkega...
/ Cut up into 2.5 cm. Nothing special, nothing hard...
Da pletenčki ne bi bili preveč dolgočasni, sem jim naredila še gumbke.
/ The little knitted ones were a bit too dull, so I made some buttons to go with them.
Iz tankega špagetka sem naredila še "sukanec".
/ I used some thin spaghetti to make the thread.
/ Sewn up.
Pripravljeni za peko.
/ Ready to be baked.
Spakirani za na pot - ker se bliža čas obdarovanj, sem vsakemu dodala enega mini prašička.
/ Packed for the road - with the time of giving gifts approaching, I added each a little piglet.
Tik pred pakiranjem v škatlo.
/ Right before packing in the box.
V družbi vseh ostalih jih lahko vidite tu in tu.
/ They are displayed together with the rest here and here.
Fajn jih je bilo delat :)
Nena, hvala še enkrat!
/ They were fun to make :)
Nena, thanks again!