In številkami od 1 do 24. Narejen v zadnjem trenutku. Ker nekako nisem pristaš kupljenih - ki so mi ali preveč kičasti ali pa precenjeni.
/ And with numbers from 1 to 24. Made in the last moment. Because I somehow cannot bring myself to buy them - I find them either too kitschy or over-priced.
Poslikan je en, naredila pa sem dva enaka - vsaki svojega.
/ I took a photo of one, but I made two identical ones - one for each girl.
Tisto tam na vrhu druge slike so copatki. Od tega veselega fantiča :)
/ The thing at the top of the second photo are slippers. Belonging to this merry little guy :)
Tudi vam želim vesel in sladek december. Pa naj ne bo preveč stresen.
/ May your December be merry and sweet. And not too stressful.