Ne vem, kaj je s to rdečo - pa sem rekla, da do Valentinovega ne pogledam rdečega papirja; no, tu sta prva dva od obljubljenih lončkov. Rdeča!

Za levega sem za ozadje vzela rdeč karton in iz malo temnejšega kartona s štanco izrezala srčke. Na sredini sem jim z iglo naredila štiri luknjice. Nekatere sem z belo nitko prišila na bel trak in jih prilepila po sredini lončka. Na preostale srčke sem z belim gel pisalom narisala križni šiv in robne šive, srčke pa sem samo prilepila na lonček. Nato sem dodala še srebrne nalepke - pikice.

Lonček na desni ima za podlago srebrn vlaknast papir. Rdeč motiv metulja (Karen Marie) sem nalepila na zelo svetlo rumen krog, tega pa na temno rdeč papirnat prtiček za skodelice. Na levi in desni sem z luknjačem naredila manjši okrogli luknjici in skozi napeljala trakec enake barve, kot je papirnat prtiček. Po robu rdečega prtička sem nalepila srebrne pikice, rumen krog pa sem obrobila z vzorcem šiva z rdečim svetlečim pisalom. Po sredini lončka sem nalepila roza satenast trakec, malo širši od rdečega. Nato sem prilepila metulja in pritrdila ožji trakec na širšega, konce pa zavezala v pentljo. Srebrne pikice sem nalepila tudi po navpični črti, kjer se stikata konca srebrnega papirja. Dodatek, ki se ga od spredaj ne vidi, so majhni svetli Karen Marie metuljčki, nalepljeni na trakec.
I just don't know what's with this red - I said I won't even look at the red paper until St Valentine's Day; well, here I have first two of the promised cans. And they are red!
For the can on the left, I took some red cardboard for the background and I punched out some hearts from a little bit darker cardboard. Using a needle, I made four holes in the centre of each heart. I took some of them and sewed them with white thread on a white ribbon, and then glued everything along the centre line of the can. I used a white gel pen and drew a cross stitch and border stitches on the remaining hearts, then I just glued them on the can. I added some silver stickers - little dots.
The background for the can on the right is silver fibre paper. I glued a red butterfly (Karen Marie) on a very light yellow circle, and both of them on a dark red paper napkin. I punched out two small round holes on either side and: I took a ribbon of the same colour as the napkin and put it through the holes. I added silver dots on the border of the red napkin and I drew a stitch border on the yellow circle, using a red metallic pen. I glued a pink satin ribbon (a little wider then the dark red ribbon) along the centre line of the can. Then I glued the butterfly and the red ribbon, and I tied the ends into a bow. I glued some silver dots along the vertical line where the ends of the silver paper come together. One thing that cannot be seen from the front, are small white Karen Marie butterflies glued on the ribbon.