Ko sem pregledovala slike, da bi našla še kaj za objavit, sem ugotovila, da se bo treba spet resno spraviti na delo. In ena od prvih stvari bodo takšni lončki za pisala ali kakšen drug domiseln namen.
Ta dva na sliki sem lani naredila za moji sestrični, na polici pa me čaka še nekaj lončkov od Nescafe kapučina - mami, hvala za lončke in se še priporočam :) Nekatere sem že oblepila z osnovno podlago, zdaj pa moram samo še odpreti vse škatle in predale s trakci, nalepkami in drugimi drobnarijami, potem pa ... "Ni me doma!"
When I was going through the photos to find something to post, I found out that some serious work will have to be done again. And one of the first things will be such
pencil holders (of course they can be used for other purposes as well).
I made these two for my two cousins last year, and I still have some of Nescafe Cappuccino cans waiting on the shelf - mummy, thanks for providing them, and please keep them coming :) I've already put the basic background layer on some of them, I just need to open my boxes and drawers with ribbons, stickers and other little things, and then ... "I'm not home!"