Tole sem omenila včeraj: albumček za deset najljubših.
Nekje sem videla ponudbo takšnih albumov - samo "harmonika" in platnice, brez okraskov. Pa sem rekla, saj to lahko naredim tudi sama. In sem.
Bel karton za podlago fotografijam je odrezan in prepognjen tako, da se nanj lahko nalepi deset fotografij velikosti 10 x 15 cm, in še ostane pol centimetra belega roba (nisem še določila fotografij, zato jih nisem lepila noter).
Platnice so iz precej trdega kartona; najprej sem se nekaj trudila in jih poskušala oviti, pa nekako ni bilo ta pravo, potem pa sem jih pustila in nanje samo prilepila nekoliko manjši okrasni papir, na hrbtni strani so dodani trije trakci, ki lahko držijo album skupaj, če pa se postavi na razstavo, se trakce pač razveže.
This is what I mentioned yesterday: a small album for ten favourite ones.
I saw such albums somewhere - "raw" ones, just a leporello and covers, with no embellishments. And I said, I can do that. And I did.
I took some white stock and I cut and folded it in such a way that ten 10x15 cm photos can be glued to it and there is 0.5 cm white border left (I haven't decided n my ten photos, so I haven't put them in yet).
The covers are made of quite hard cardboard; first I tried to wrap them in some paper somehow, but it just didn't work, so I left them unwrapped and glued some patterned paper and three ribbons - the ribbons can hold the album together or can be untied if the photos are put on display.