nisem nič objavila!!! Sram me je! Kaj vse je bil razlog? Delo, potepanje, spet delo, pa tudi pomanjkanje inspiracije. Poleg tele voščilnice, ki sem jo naredila za mojo teto, sem se ukvarjala še z eno zadevo (pokažem jutri), drugače pa ideje pretežno vrejo v moji glavi.
No, deset objav v tem mesecu bom morda uspela spraviti skupaj...
have passed since I posted my last entry. Shame on me! And what was the reason? Work, trips, work again, and even some lack of inspiration. Beside this card I made for my aunt, I also worked on something else (I'll show you more tomorrow), but otherwise, the ideas are mostly still "cooking" in my head.
Well, maybe I'll manage ten posts in this month...