02 januar 2008

Ursus arctos - zimska izdaja

Tale rjavi medved (velikost 2 cm) je iz zadnje runde - decembra sem jih naredila štirideset ali petdeset, zimsko piko na i pa sem jim poskusila dati s šalom - poskušala sem s širšimi trakci, pa ni bilo dobro, tako da sem na koncu pristala pri takšnem puhastem belem šalu. Fotograf je bil tokrat drug, zato je osvetlitev bolj dramatična...

This brown bear (size 2 cm) is from my last batch - I made forty or fifty of them in December, and I tried to give them the final winter touch by tying little scarves around their necks - I tried some wider ribbons, but it didn't work out, so I ended up with such fluffy white ones. The photo was taken by another photographer this time, the lighting is therefore more dramatic...
