Prvi album mi je bil tako všeč, da sem kar nadaljevala. Všeč mi je, da mi ni več treba misliti na mere in izračune in pravilno nameščanje, in se lahko posvetim samo izgledu naslovnice. Tokratna je precej sončna - rumene gerbere, rumeni trakci, romantičen vzorček in napis "moje najljubše" (slike, rože, punce...? - Po želji.)
Imam še kar nekaj idej o teh albumčkih - več o tem pa jutri, pa kakšen nov bo tudi že pripravljen za objavo.
I liked the first album so much I just stayed on the project. I like the fact I don't have to worry about the measures and calculations and correct positioning any more, and I can concentrate on designing of the cover. This time it is quite sunny - yellow gerbera daisies, yellow ribbons, a romantic pattern and words "my favourite ones" (photos, flowers, girls...? - As you wish.)
I've got quite some more ideas for these albums - I'll tell you more tomorrow, and I'll have another one ready for posting.