Obe v bistvu "ponesrečka", pa na koncu vseeno posrečeni...
Ko ne morem ustvarjati pri mizi, recimo ko sem v avtu ali kaj gledam na TV, pletem. In tako sem pletla tudi poskusno mačko za Kajin mačji swap in enega kosmatega objemčka. Pa se mi nekako nista posrečila tako, kot sem si zamislila. Mačka je bila premalo mačja, objemček pa preveč kosmat.
Ko je moja starejša hči videla mačko, jo je zaradi roza barve in oblike noska poimenovala Pujsačka in jo takoj posvojila. Kosmati objemček pa je postal Buba in po novem stanuje pri moji mlajši hčeri.
Mama pa že plete nove pošasti...
BUBA (= a cocoon) AND PUJSAČKA (= "Piggy-Cat", a made up name)
Both of them actually "rejects", but in the end, both a success...
When I cannot do any crafts at the table, for example when I'm in the car or watching TV, I knit. And so I was knitting a trial-cat for the cat swap organised by Kaja and a hairy huggy. But none of them turned out as I imagined they should. The cat wasn't enough cat-like, and the huggy was just too hairy.
When my older daughter saw the cat, she named it (because of its pink colour and the shape of its nose) Pujsačka (pujs - a pig, mačka - a cat; see the ingenuity?) and adopted it right away. The hairy huggy was named Buba (= a cocoon; I wonder why?) and has been staying with my younger daughter since yesterday.
And Mum is already knitting new monsters...