Instead for storing the stamped images, pieces of paper and other goodies, the box I decided to make is intended for storing and carrying around the CD boxes where I keep my clear stamps.
Osnovni koncept izdelave sem povzela po škatli, ki sem jo dobila od Kaje75, in po njeni demonstraciji, vendar sem dimenzije prilagodila dimenzijam CD škatel, pa tudi notranji del sem želela narediti kar kot en prostorček.
Karton sem oblekla v ročno izdelan papir, ki sem ga nekoč kupila v IKEI, luknjice za trakec sem naredila kar s Fiskarsovim luknjačem in jih okrasila z zlatimi nalepkami, ki so čisto slučajno imele na sredi ravno prav velike luknje.
/ The basic concept was copied from the box I got from Kaja75 and from her demonstration, but I adjusted the measurements to the measurements of the CD boxes, and I also wanted to have only one "compartment" inside.
I covered the cardboard in hand-made paper I once bought in IKEA, I punched the holes for the ribbons with my Fiskars hand punch and embellished them with some golden stickers that, incidentally, had just the right hole in the centre.
Notranji del se mi je zdel premehak, zato sem se odločila, da bom tudi stranski stranici naredila iz trdega kartona. Nastala je tale pisana škatlica za deset škatlic za CD-je.
/ I thought the inner part wasn't strong enough, so I decided to use the cardboard for the sides as well. I ended up with this colourful box for ten CD boxes.
Da bi stranici lažje oblepila s papirjem, sem širši stranici prerezala na pol in prilepila na levo in desno stran dveh ožjih stranic. Zapira se na vrhu, z okroglim ježkom.
/ To make it easier to cover the two sides with paper, I cut the wider sides in half and put the halves to the left and right of the narrower sides. It has a velcro circle on the top for keeping it closed.
Ob izdelavi teh dveh sem si pripravila še kar nekaj kompletov kartona za še nekaj škatel - pokažem pozneje, pa morda še kakšno razlago...
/ While making these two, I prepared some sets of cardboard for another few boxes - I'll be showing them later, perhaps with some explanation...