Kljub temu, da sodijo motivi Penny Black štempiljk med moje najljubše motive, šele v tem tednu objavljam svojo prvo voščilnico za sodelovanje v sobotnem izzivu Penny Black.
Naslov izziva v tem 32. tednu je nekaj takega kot "Gremo se pikice".
Uporabila sem komplet štempiljk Zoophabet, z mojo "albert" štanco naredila izreze živalic in jih nalepila na palčke-malčke. Pobarvala sem jih z navadnimi lesenimi barvicami in barve nekoliko zmehčala z brisalcem tinte. Dodano je še ozadje s pikami, trakec in dve Prima rožici.
Although the Penny Black motives are among my favourite ones, I haven't participated in Penny Black Saturday Challenge until this week.
The theme of the 32nd week's challenge is "Let's Get Dotty".
I used the Zoophabet set, punched out the little animals with my scalloped square punch and placed them on inchies. I coloured them with ordinary wooden colour pencils and softened the colours a little with an ink eradicator. I added a dotted background, a ribbon and two Prima flowers.