Že pred časom sem bila čisto navdušena nad objemčki in sem jih že tudi nekaj naredila (in podarila), pa še na svoji mravljičici sem prenesla navdušenje.
Tokrat pa sem za osnovo namesto filca uporabila volno - ker ne morem kar ves čas delati mojih mini torbic, sem pomislila, da bi poskusila telo za objemčka splesti, vse ostalo pa bi ostalo enako...
Some time ago, I was quite excited about huggies, and I made (and gave away) some of them myself as well. And I also passed my excitement onto my two tiny ants.
This time, I made the base from wool instead of felt - since I cannot make my mini bags all the time, I thought I'd try and knit the huggy's body, and all the rest would remain the same.
Sprednja stran / The front
Zadnja stran / The back
Pa še za občutek velikosti - objemčica v dlani, kamor konec koncev tudi sodi :)
/ And to give you the sense of its size - the huggy girl in the hand where it belongs after all :)