Ob vseh škatlah, albumih in knjižicah, ki sem jih naredila zadnje čase, je bilo že kar malo čudno (smešno, skoraj neverjetno), da sem svoje ideje pisala na listke in jih puščala vsepovsod, namesto da bi jih lepo in urejeno imela zbrane v eni beležki.
Zato sem šla malo pobrskat po kupu starih zvezkov. Moja prva ugotovitev je bila, da sem bila hrčkarica že takrat, ko še sploh nisem vedela, da se temu tako reče. Upam si celo trditi, da izraz še sploh ni obstajal. Moja druga ugotovitev je bila, da sem si skozi leta iz najrazličnejših virov (beri: trgovin, knjigarn, podstrešij...) nabrala prav krasno zbirko zvezkov in beležk z različnimi debelinami, teksturami, vzorci papirjev.
Vzela sem od vsakega nekaj strani in jih narezala na velikost 14 x 9,5 cm - tako sem imela najboljši izkoristek. Luknje sem naredila kar z navadnim luknjačem.
Liste sem zložila tako, da je vsak naslednji list drugačen od prejšnjega (saj vem, da mi ne bi bilo treba), dodala platnice iz kartona in jih spela z dvema obročkoma.
Za platnice sem se kar nekaj časa odločala, ali hočem imeti beležko bolj sončno ali bolj nočno.
Zmagalo je sonce.
Mravljinček mi je rekel, naj ne pretiravam z okraševanjem, zato sem dodala samo napis, pa malo sem si dala duška s trakci.
Zdaj moram pa samo še vse tiste listke najti... :)
Considering the number of boxes, albums and booklets I've made recenlty, it was already a bit strange (funny, almost incredible) that I kept jotting down my own ideas on various pieces of paper and leaving them scattered around, instead of having them - nice and neatly - gathered in one notebook.
So I went searching through a pile of old notebooks. First of all, I found out that I was an obsessed gatherer even when I had no idea that there is an expression for it. And second of all, I found out that throughout the years, I managed to collect from various sources (as in shops, bookstores, attics...) a great collection of notebooks and papers with a great variety in thickness, textures, patterns.
I took a few pages of each paper and cut them to the size 14 x 9.5 cm - this way I got the most of it. I punched out the holes with my ordinary office puncher. I assembled the papers by taking one from each pile at a time, so no two adjacent papers are the same (I know I wouldn't have to), added two pieces of cardboard for the front and the back cover and put everything together using two book rings.
I spent quite some time deciding whether I want my notebook to have a sunny or more nightish look.
The Sun prevailed.
My DH said I shouldn't overdo it with decorations, so I only added the title, and I went a bit "wild" with ribbons.
And now I only have to find all those scribblings of mine... :)