Ja, zveni kot reklama katere od trgovin s pohištvom. In izgleda tudi, kot da jih res praznim. Meni pa je samo kombinacija gumbov in trakcev z papirjem na teh beležkah (ja, pa še Prima rožic sem našla nekaj v ustreznih barvah!) tako všeč, da se ne morem ustaviti pri treh ali štirih...
Obe beležki gresta za darilo - ena danes, druga čez nekaj dni.
(... zalog pa še zdaleč ni konec...)
Yes, it sounds like a commercial for a furniture store. And it also looks like I'm actually getting rid of my stocks. But I just like the combination of buttons and ribbons and paper on these booklets (yes, I even found some Prima flowers in matching colours!) so much that I cannot stop at three or four of them.
Both these booklets will be given away as presents - one today and another one in a few days' time.
(... and the stocks are not empty yet - not by far...)