/ I tried out one more thing:
Natisnila sem si precej velike črke
/ I printed some pretty large letters
jih izrezala (tako, da je preostali del ostal v enem kosu)
/ and cut them out (I managed to keep the remaining part in one piece)
izrez sem položila na folijo in natisnila srčkast vzorec s Penny Black štampiljko
/ I placed the cut-out piece on the shrink plastic and stamped the heart pattern using a Penny Black stamp
občrtala z debelejšim črnim flomastrom
/ drew a line around them with a thicker black marker
/ coloured
in segrela
/ and heated
Preden sem očistila in pospravila štampiljko, sem "posrčkala" še nekaj kljukic :)
/ Before I cleaned the stamp and put it away, I "heart-stamped" some clothes-pegs :)