Včasih se mi zdi prav fajn, ko mi uspe, da ne zapadem v kakšno množično histerijo in ne naročam novih in novih ustvarjalnih igrač in pripomočkov, ampak iz stvari, ki jih imam doma, z malo domišljije in truda sama naredim zadevo, ki čisto dobro služi svojemu namenu. Seveda ti pripomočki ne izgledajo tako fensi kot oni v video navodilih in spletnih trgovinah, ampak rezultati so pa čisto spodobni...
Sometimes it feels just great if I manage to avoid some mass hysteria and stop myself from ordering new and new crafting tools and gadgets, and I use the things I have at home instead and make, with some effort and imagination, something that serves its purpose just as well. Of course such home-made tools don't look as fancy as those in video tutorials and internet shops, but the results are quite OK...
Ena takšna stvar, za katero sem se na prvi pogled odločila, da si jo bom naredila sama, je orodje za pozicioniranje lesenih štampiljk - Stamp-A-Ma-Jig. Kar nekaj časa sem odlašala, ko pa sem dobila svoje
majhne štampiljke iz PinkCatStudio, sem se lotila dela.
One of such things that I decided to make myself when I saw it for the very first time was a stamp positioning tool Stamp-A-Ma-Jig. The idea was there for quite some time, but when I got my little stamps from PinkCatStudio, I got busy.
Štampiljke sem razrezala - tokrat jih nisem izrezovala ob robu, ampak sem si naredila kvadratke in pravokotnike. Nalepila sem jih na lesene kocke, na katerih so nekoč bile gumijaste štampiljke - ker sem v enem naročilu dobila nekaj ponovljenih motivov, sem štampiljke odstranila, kocke pa uporabila za nov namen. Ker so motivi majhni, sem malo varčevala s prostorom in na eno kocko nalepila tri ali štiri.
I cut the stamps - I didn't cut them out precisely but I made little squares and rectangles. I adhered them to wooden blocks to which some rubber stamps were once mounted - I ordered a bulk of stamps once but there were quite a few stamps with the same motive, so I removed the stamps and used the blocks for another purpose. As these motives are quite small, I decided to save some space and put three or four of them to one block.

Nato sem si iz lesenih ploščic izdelala kotnik - pravokotne in kvadratne ploščice sem zlagala in lepila tako, da so se spoji prekrivali, in s tem sem dobila pravi kot.
Iz tršega prosojnega papirja sem narezala kvadrate.
Then I took some small wooden plates and made a tool - I stacked and glued the rectangulars and squares together to get a 90-degree-angle corner. I used some thicker translucent paper and made some squares.
In zdaj - kako to orodje sploh deluje: najprej sem en kot prosojnega kvadrata nastavila v kot kotnika. Nato sem s črnim StazOn črnilom odtisnila en motiv.
And now - how does this tool work actually: first, I positioned one corner of the translucent square to the corner of the tool. Then I used black StazOn ink and stamped one motive.

V ostale tri kote sem odtisnila še ostale tri motive z iste kocke - ker sta dva motiva na eni strani, je potrebno štampiljko vmes očistiti, da ne pušča nepotrebnih odtisov.
Na enak način si bom pripravila še ostale odtise - za vsako kocko en kvadrat.
I stamped other three motives to the remaining three corners - where there are two motives on one side of the block, one should clean the stamp before stamping the other motive in order to avoid unwanted images lying everywhere.
In this way, I'll prepare similar squares - one per each block.
Ko so priprave opravljene, lahko začnemo. Recimo, da želim na vejo "obesiti" jabolko.
With all the preparation finished, we can now start. Let's say I'd like to "hang" an apple on a branch.
Na sliko drevesa nastavim odtis in izberem pravi položaj.
I take an image of a tree, position the stamped image to where I want it.
Nato na kot poravnam kotnik, odtis odstranim, in v kot odtisnem jabolko.
Then I take the tool and place it to the right position (with the corner of the square lying in the corner of the tool). I remove the stamped image and stamp an apple just like before.
In tako naprej. Tole moje drevo je samo za primer in prikaz, zato v njem ne iščite kakšne visoke umetniške vrednosti :)
And so on. Mind you, this tree of mine is solely an example and for demonstration purposes, so please don't seek any high artistic value in it :)
In zdaj, ko orodje imam, ga lahko prav krasno uporabim za črke na lesenih držalih, pa tudi ponavljajoči vzorci bodo mogoče nekoliko manj naključni...
And now when I have the tool, I can use it just perfectly for my little letters on wooden handles, and the repeating patterns will maybe look a bit less random...
Se vam zdi uporabno? Izvolite, uporabite.
Vas zanima ta pravi Stamp-A-Ma-Jig?
Najdete ga tukaj.
Find it useful? Feel free to use it.
Want to see the actual Stamp-A-Ma-Jig? Find it here.mravljica