31 oktober 2009

Noč čarovnic te gleda


Čisto malo. / Just a little bit.

Ravno toliko, da ne bomo rekli, da se nismo letos čisto nič izživljali na temo gravža. / So that we won't say we didn't make any gross stuff this year.

Sicer pa, zvečer si bomo mogoče še kaj izmislili, do takrat pa nekaj sončnih jesenskih fotk našega sprehajališča.

/ Well, we might come up with something more in the evening, but until then, a few sunny autumn photos of the place where we go for a walk.

Fotografije je prispeval naš dedi, ki ravno danes praznuje rojstni dan. Tale lončnica je zanj.

/ The photos were contributed by our Grandpa who is celebrating his birthday today. This flower pot is for him.

Pa vse najboljše in veselo praznovanje vsem, ki danes praznujete!

/ Happy birthday and a joyful celebration to all of you!
