Včeraj sem dobila sovico. Ki je, kot Harryjeva Hedwig, snežna sova. Bela in siva.
V Uršine sovice sem se zatrapala na prvi pogled in potem sem enkrat pogovor malo napeljala na to, da če bo kdaj razmišljala, da bi eno naredila tudi zame, naj bo bela in siva.
In zdaj je že pri meni. Urša, hvala hvala hvala!
Yesterday I got a little owl. Which is, like Harry's Hedwig, a snow owl. White and grey.
I fell in love at first sight with Urša's owls and then on one occasion, I made a slight hint that if she ever thought of making one for me I would have a white an grey one.
And now I have it already. Urša, thank you thank you thank you!
p.s. Saj izdelkov je tudi nekaj nastalo v teh dneh in še nastajajo. Le da jih še ne smem pokazat... Do nedelje.
/ p.s. I've been busy making some things too over the last few days. I'm just not supposed to show them yet... until Sunday.