Sicer imam pripravljenih že nekaj novih drevesc, a ker sem se včeraj z družino potepala, še niso čisto za objavo, zato sem mislila, da bi danes objavila eno mini navodilo za tega sladkega fantička.
I've got some new trees ready, but me and my family took a short trip yesterday, so they are not yet one hundred percent done and ready for posting, so I thought I'd post a mini tutorial for this gingerbread sweetie.
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1. Izdelamo šablono - obliko lahko najdemo na internetu (v iskalnik slik vtipkamo "gingerbread man"), v marsikateri ustvarjalni reviji ali knjigi, lahko vzamemo modelček za piškote ali pa obris narišemo sami (če hočemo imeti simetrično obliko, prepognemo list, narišemo samo eno polovico, izrežemo... pa saj to veste, kajne?)
/ We make a template - we can find the shape on the internet (we type "gingerbread man" in the search engine), in many craft magazines and books, we can use a cookie cutter or draw the outline ourselves (if we wish to have a symmetrical shape, we fold a piece of paper, trace only one half and cut it out... but you know that, right?)
2. Narišemo in izrežemo. Moj Medenko je bil narisan na kartonček 8 x 10 cm.
/ We trace and cut out. My Gingy was traced on a piece of card 8 x 10 cm.
3. Z vijugastimi škarjicami nekajkrat zarežemo v bel papir in pri tem poskusimo ohraniti vzporedne linije.
/ We take wavy scissors and cut a few times into white paper, trying to keep the lines parallel.
4. Vijugice odrežemo. (Že vemo, kaj sledi, kajne?)
/ We cut the wavy strips off. (We already know what's next, right?)
5. Točno.
Nalepimo in obrežemo.
/ Exactly.
We adhere them and cut off the excess.
6. Z belim pisalom (Sakura gel, navadna bela barvica, korekturno pisalo, lahko tudi pisalo za embosiranje in bel prah, če se vam da) narišemo očke in vesela usta.
/ Using something white (Sakura gel pen, white regular colour pencil, correction pen, or even embossing pen and white embossing powder if you like), we draw eyes and a joyful mouth.
7. Medtem ko čakamo, da se bele črte posušijo, pritrdimo gumbke. Lahko so pravi gumbi, lahko so navadne okrogle razcepke, jaz sem uporabila razcepke v obliki gumbkov. Lahko nalepimo tudi polovične perle ali kristalčke, lahko uporabimo nalepke, krogce iz navadnega luknjača ali pa gumbke preprosto narišemo.
/ While we wait for the white lines to dry, we attach the buttons. They can be actual buttons, or regular round brads, I used button-shaped brads. We can also adhere those half pearls or crystals, we can use stickers, little circles from the regular office punch, or we simply draw the buttons the way we like.
8. Za zadnji učinek srčkanosti sem mu z rdečim prozornim pisalom (Sakura glaze pen - enkrat je bil v nekem kompletu in sploh nisem vedela, če ga bom kdaj uporabljala...) narisala še okrogla rdeča lička.
/ For the final cuteness touch, I took a red translucent pen (Sakura glaze pen - it was added in a set that I bought some time ago and I didn't know whether I was ever going to use it at all...) and drew his red round cheeks.
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Ozadje in celotno voščilnico (no, deset) pokažem jutri.
/ I'll show you the background and the entire card (well, ten) tomorrow.