Kar nekaj drevesc se mi je "narisalo" med ideje za letošnje voščilnice - prvo je v rdečih tonih in z odtisnjenimi snežinkami.
Na večih mestih sem zasledila štampiljke z različnimi snežinkami, v obliki smrečice ali celega ozadja. Poleg tega, da je takšno štampiljko kar umetnost enakomerno odtisniti (no, vsaj meni), sem po pregledu svojih štampiljk ugotovila, da imam dovolj različnih snežink, da lahko naredim nekaj podobnega. Odtisnila sem jih, eno za drugo, na trikotnik, mu z belo malo poudarila rob in ga nalepila na nekoliko večji temnejši trikotnik.
Pravokotniku iz belega kartona sem zaoblila robove, da sem dobila "zasnežena" tla, in dodala še temno rdeč trak s školjkastim robom.
Nekaj snežink sem odtisnila še na ozadje, pobelila robove in dodala rdeč pikčast trak.
Napisa zaenkrat še nisem dodajala, mogoče pa ga še bom.
Quite a few trees are drawn in my ideas for this year's cards - the first one is in red and with some stamped snowflakes.
I've seen stamps with several different snowflakes, in a shape of a Christmas tree or as a background. Beside the fact that it is quite difficult (well, at least for me) to make a perfect impression with such stamp, I realised, after going through my stamps, that I've got enough different snowflakes to do something similar. So I stamped them, one by one, on a triangle, I put some white accent on the edges and adhered it on a little larger dark triangle.
I took a rectangular piece of white card and cornered the edges to get "snowy" ground, and added a dark red scalloped border.
I stamped some more snowflakes on the background, put some white on the edges and added a strip of red dotted ribbon.
I haven't added a sentiment yet, maybe I'll do it later.