Kar nekaj stvari se je spet dogajalo in zapisalo v tem mojem kotičku. Tako kot lani sem tudi letos v zadnji objavi zbrala fotografije za en tak pogled nazaj.
In ko sem izbirala in pripravljala slike za to retrospektivo, sem ugotovila naslednje:
- da je bilo moje letošnje fimanje najbolj pisano in živahno doslej in da sem še vedno najbolj navdušena nad mojo faraonsko škatlo iz januarja in decembrskimi hiškami, obeski za smrečico in sončkom za Andro,
- da mi je uspelo, da sem se čisto sama (brez psihiatrične in farmacevtske) pomoči ozdravila "disposofobije" (po domače hrček-sindroma)
- in da sem prišla k sebi in do odločitve, da zaključim s prodajo svojih izdelkov in da bom po novem spet ustvarjala pretežno za lastno veselje in da koga obdarim in razveselim.
Naj bo 2013 dobro in prijazno z vami.
There were quite some things going on in my little corner during the year. So I did the same as the last year and collected some photos for the last - retrospective - post of the year.
And while I was selecting the photos and getting them ready for posting, I realised the following:
- that this year my Fimo creations have been the most colourful and lively so far, and that I'm still thrilled about my pharaoh box I made in January and my December gingerbread houses, tree decorations and the sun for Andra,
- that I managed to heal myself (without any phychiatric or pharmaceutical assistance) from disposophobia (a.k.a. the hamster-syndrome)
- and that I've come to my senses and to the decision to retreat from selling the things I make and to return to creating for the mere fun of it and in order to give away presents and joy.
May the year 2013 be good and kind to you.







