Po korakih seveda.
/ Step by step, of course.
Najprej vzamemo nekaj odpadne čokolade (če sploh obstaja kaj takega) in oblikujemo grobo osnovo hiše.
/ First we take some scrap chocolate (if there is such thing at all) and we make a rough shape of a house.
Potem vzamemo veliko plahto testa za medenjake in izrežemo fasado.
/ Then we take a large sheet of gingerbread dough and cut out the facade.
Nalepimo jo na osnovo.
/ We adhere it to the base.
Iz beljakov in sladkorja stepemo oblogo za streho.
/ We take egg whites and sugar and beat them together to make a coating for the roof.
Hišo pokrijemo.
/ We cover the house.
Spečemo piškote s koščki čokolade - za strešnike. (Za pokrivanje strehe jih rabimo osem, drugih osem je zidarjem za malico.)
/ We bake chocolate chip cookies - for shingles. (We need eight for the roof, the rest will be for the workers' snack.)
Spečemo dva maslena piškota za dve veliki okni.
/ We bake two butter cookies for two large windows.
Iz sladkorne mase izdelamo "klobaso" in izrežemo tri manjša okna.
/ We make a candy cane and use three slices as smaller windows.
Naredimo še sladkornega polžka za strešno okno.
/ We make a candy swirl for the roof window.
Iz čokolade vlijemo vrata in jih obdamo s sladkorno palčko.
/ We make the door out of chocolate and frame it with a candy cane.
Tudi za drevo uporabimo sladkornega polžka, le da je ta v zeleni in beli.
/ Another candy swirl is used for a tree - this one's green and white.
Še rumena lučka nad oknom in to je to. Nič lažjega :)
/ A little yellow light above the window and this is it. Easy-peasy :)
Še od zadaj.
/ Another view from the back.
Seveda moramo vse gradbeme faze evidentirati skupaj s finančnimi sredstvi ...
/ Naturally, all construction phases must be recorded together with the monetary assets ...
Zdaj pa čakamo samo še uporabno dovoljenje :)
/ And now the only thing we are waiting for is the operating permit :)