Ko sem prvič videla, da lahko dve cikcakasti voščilnici na zelo fajn način združimo v albumček, sem si idejo shranila na to-bo-pa-še-sigurno-prišlo-na-vrsto seznamu.
/ When I first saw that two tri-shutter cards can be joined very nicely to make an album, I put the idea on the I-will-certainly-make-one-of-these list.
Že prvi poskus je bil čisto zadovoljiv :)
/ Already the first attempt was pretty satisfactory :)
Sprednja stran - od "okraskov" sem uporabila samo nekaj reliefnega papirja, vse ostalo še čaka na dopolnjevanje in okraševanje.
/ The front - I only used some embossed paper, everything else is yet to be completed and embellished.
Razvežemo pentljo in razpremo "platnice"
/ We untie the bow and open up the covers
V raztegnjeni obliki - leva stran
/ Flattened out - the left side
V raztegnjeni obliki - desna stran
/ Flattened out - the right side
Postavljen - za celo galerijo slik, posvetil, voščil...
/ Standing up - for an entire gallery of pictures, notes, wishes...
Ker je na mojem seznamu stvari, ki jih še moram narediti, album v drugačnih barvah, in ker je junij moj mesec, tega modrega ponujam vam. Takšnega neokrašenega, da ga lahko dodelate po svojem okusu. Samo v komentar (tako kot vedno - pod objavo tukaj ali v FB kotičku) napišite, kaj vam je pri mesecu juniju najbolj všeč.
/ Considering that the album that I need to make should be in some other colours, and since June is my month, I've decided to offer this blue one to you. Without any additional embellishments, so that you can finish it entirely according to your liking. Just leave a comment (as always - under the post here or in my FB corner) telling me what you like the most about June.
Žrebanje bo, ko se začne poletje :)
/ The winner will be randomly chosen when the summer starts :)
p.s.: Posebnih navodil za izdelavo najverjetneje ne bom pisala, ker je na spletu in YouTube-u navodil že kar nekaj na razpolago (samo "tri-shutter" in "album" ali "card" vpišete v iskalnik), za kakšen konkreten napotek se pa vsekakor lahko obrnete name.
/ p.s.: I don't intend to make any special instructions, because there are quite many available on the Internet and YouTube (just enter "tri-shutter" and "album" or "card" in the search box), but if you need some advice or information, please don't hesitate to ask.