It happens quite often that while I'm making cards or something else, I pick up the leftovers and see something new in them. Sometimes I'm not tempted enough, but sometimes I take the pieces that come together accidentally, put them in an envelope and use them some days later. Both today's cards are results of such combinations.
Ježek in pikapolonica
ježek - štempiljka iz kompleta Penny Black
barvni papirji - Lidl
karirast papir - iz kompleta, naročenega na naslovu
papirnate rožice - štance
okrogle razcepke - Bojamojin bonbonček
razcepke rožice - Art
kačji pastirji in kristalčki - Müller
trakec - domača zaloga
šivi in pikice - Sakura pisala
Hedgehog and ladybird
little hedgehog - a stamp from the set by Penny Black
colour papers - Lidl
patterned paper - from the set ordered from
paper flowers - paper punches
round brads - candy by Bojamoja
flower brads - Art
dragonflies and crystals - Müller
ribbon - home stash
stitches and dots - Sakura pens
Tilda - ena izmed mojih štempiljk
vzorčast papir -
barvni papir - Lidl
razcepke srčki - Memories Celje
lepilo z bleščicami - Müller
napis - odtisnjen z abecedo Circle Talk Alphabet (Stampendous)
Tilda - one of my stamps
patterned paper -
colour paper - Lidl
heart brads - Memories Celje
glitter glue - Müller
sentiment - stamped with the alphabet Circle Talk Alphabet (Stampendous)