Že cel teden režem, lepim, štempljam, šivam, pečem, fotkam, pakiram... (jutri ima Otok zakladov srečanje - komaj čakam!). Vsega vam še ne smem pokazat (pravila!), po srečanju bo pa posebno poročilo.
I've been cutting, adhering, stamping, sewing, baking, taking photos, packing... for the whole week now (the girls from our Treasure Island have a meeting tomorrow - can't wait!). I can't show you everything just now (rules!), but after the meeting, I'll prepare a special report.
Enkrat vmes me je s čudovitim paketom od Addicted to Rubber Stamps razveselil poštar,
On one of the past days, our postman brought me an awesome package from Addicted to Rubber Stamps,
pa še voščilnico za prijateljico sem uspela sestaviti skupaj.
and I even managed to put together a card for a friend.