…dovolj časa za realizacijo vseh idej in načrtov, ki mi zadnje tedne ne dajo miru. Blogi, ki jih spremljam, so že polni božičnih in novoletnih krasot, jaz pa imam večino stvari še v glavi, pa nekaj polizdelkov, ki čakajo na dokončanje.
... enough time for the realisation of all ideas and plans that have been bugging me for the last few weeks. The blogs I visit are full of wonderful Christmas and New Year's cards and decorations, but I'm still carrying most of my ideas around in my head, and I've got some half-finished things waiting for the final phase.
Zdaj sem recimo zadnja dva dneva barvala jelene (zveni kot zapis v dnevniku kakšnega Božičkovega škratka). Barvala sem jih s perl vodenkami - najprej sem mislila, da bo samo kakšen detajl, ampak so me bleščice popolnoma prevzele in sem rekla, kdaj se bo pa bleščalo, če ne decembra. In sem kar cele slikice pobarvala z njimi. Tukaj so:
/ For example, I've been colouring the reindeers in the last couple of days (this sounds like an entry in a diary of some Santa's little elf). I coloured them with pearly watercolours - at first I thought I'd add just a sparkle here and there, but eventually, I got completely overwhelmed by the glittery effect, and I said, well, when will it shine if not in December. And I coloured the entire images. Here they are:
Vmes pa seveda sestavim še kakšno voščilnico s Tildo, pa naredim voščilnico za novopečeno babico (jo objavim jutri), pa preizkušam moje nove pridobitve, pa nosim na kup material za novoletne voščilnice, pripravljam še nekaj koledarjev in zbiram ideje za preostala darila. Tukaj še enkrat Tilda v srebrnkasti noči...
/ And in the meantime, of course, I put together a card with one of the Tilda's images, I make a card for a new Granny (I'll post it tomorrow), I test the new things I got recently, I'm collecting materials for my Christmas and New Year's cards, I'm making some more calendars and piling up ideas for the rest of the presents. And here is, once again, Tilda in the silvery night...