Prejšnji mesec sem se opogumila in na našem Otoku zakladov organizirala swap vijoličnih voščilnic. Velikost, oblika, tehnika, motivi - vse je bilo prepuščeno sodelujočim, le barve so bile določene: vsi odtenki vijolične, črna in bela. Voščilnice smo izmenjale na srečanju v Prečni, danes pa objavljam slike vseh 28 lepotičk. Pod vsako sliko sta "otoški" imeni avtorice in prejemnice, čisto na koncu pa še slika bonbončka, ki ga je v žrebu prejela Zvitorepka.
Last month, I gathered enough courage to organize a swap of purple cards on our Treasure Island. The size, format, technique, motives - it was all the participants' choice, only the colours were prescribed: all shades of purple, black and white. We exchanged the cards at out meeting in Prečna, and today I'm posting the photos of all 28 beauties. Under each photo, there are the "island" names of the author and the recipient. The last photo is the photo of the candy received by Zvitorepka.

Pa še bonbonček / And here is the candy

Ob koncu sem en tolažilni bonbonček poslala tudi nelyi, ki ni imela sreče s pošiljanjem svoje voščilnice.
/ I also sent a hope-it-makes-you-feel-better-candy to nelya, who had quite some bad luck when sending her card to me.
V organizaciji in izpeljavi swapa sem prav uživala, voščilnice so bile krasne in prav vznemirljivo jih je bilo pričakovati, videti, izmenjati. Bom sigurno še kdaj...
/ I really enjoyed organizing and carrying out the swap, the cards were great and it was so exciting to expect them, see them, exchange them. I'm sure I'll do it again...