Smo imele kar eno malo proizvodnjo ta vikend, moji mravljičici in jaz. In tule so rezultati. / We had quite some production going on this weekeend, my tiny little ants and me. And here are the results.
Najprej komplet desetih, ki sem jih naredila že nekoliko prej, zdaj nazadnje sem dodala samo embosirane smrečice v krogcih. / First of all, a set of ten that I made a bit earlier, I only had to add the embossed Christmas trees.
Potem pa iz tega: / And then from this:
tole: / came this:
In pripravljeni kompletki za Tildike, / And ready sets for Tildas,
in pobarvane Tildike - a niso lupkane? / and coloured Tildas - aren't they the cutest?
In modre so že sestavljene, roza pa so naslednje na vrsti. / The blue ones are assembled, the pink ones are the next.
Jutri bo spet kaj za pokazat. / Tomorrow I'll be having more stuff to show.