Še nekaj kompletkov sem uspela narediti. / I've made a few more sets.
Snežakci, pobarvani s perl vodenkami, so bili namenjeni na svetlejšo podlago, ko pa sem se še nekaj trudila s tistimi modrimi s srebrnimi zvezdicami, ki mi niso bile čisto "taprave", mi je slučajno ena sličica padla na temnejšo podlago - in so bili kar hitro vsi narejeni. / The little snowmen, coloured with pearly watercolours, were intended for a lighter background, but while I was trying to do something with the blue cards with silver stars that somehow just didn't feel right, one of the stamped circles fell on the darker background - and I had ten of them finished very soon.
Pa še ene malo bolj umirjene - zlate nalepke sem nalepila na prozorno folijo in izrezala, da sem jih lahko obesila na trakec. / This set is a bit less vivacious - I took golden stickers, put them on a transparent foil and cut them out so that I was able to hang them on the ribbon.
Naredila sem še eno rundo snežakov (takšnih, kot sem jih pokazala pred dnevi), voščilnice za božični swap na Otoku zakladov (pokažem pozneje), pa en kupček jelenčkov imam še v delu. / I made another set of snowmen (like the ones I showed you a few days ago), cards for the Christmas card swap at our Treasure Island (I'll be showing them later), and I've got a pile of reindeer to finish.
Potem bo pa počasi dovolj. Skoraj sto jih že ima novega (začasnega) lastnika, nekaj pa jih potrebujemo tudi mi, da odnesejo naše dobre želje ljudem, ki jih imamo radi. / And this will be enough, I guess. Almost a hundred of my cards already have their new (temporary) owner, and we need some of them to carry our good wishes to the people we care for.