06 december 2008


Pred časom, ko nas je enkrat obkrožila igrica "Podaj naprej", sem razmišljala, kako bi bilo, če bi tudi verižno igro "You've been tagged" prenesle med naše bloge. In zanimivo, da sem tudi sama razmišljala o točno tem prevodu... No, in zdaj sem bila pofočkana. Od Dekce. In zdaj moram našteti sedem naključnih dejstev o sebi. No, takole:

1. Rada imam vijolično barvo, spominčice, sivko, čokolado, kavo, IKEO, CSI in Harryja Potterja.
2. Imam takšno delo, da delam doma, in v tem neizmerno uživam.
3. Nekako se ne morem pripraviti do poslušanja Il Diva in Eroike, obožujem pa petje Josha Grobana. In Michaela Bubleja.
4. V 90-tih sem bila na koncertu U2 (in tam videla tudi Axla iz G'n'R!) in Metallice.
5. Željo in namen imam svoje otroke peljati v Cirque du Soleil.
6. Komaj čakam, da bodo predvajali še kakšno sezono Bones.
7. Nekoč bi rada živela na morju.

In pofočkam naslednjih sedem:

1. Suzy
2. Manuelo
3. Jasmino
4. Moni
5. McCrafty
6. Sonjo
7. Mariko


A little while ago when we had a round of the "Pass It On" game, I wandered how would it be if the chain game "You've been tagged" were also brought to our Slovenian blogs. And interestingly, I was thinking of exactly the same Slovenian translation fof the name of the game... Well, and now I've been tagged. By Dekca. And now I have to tell you seven random facts about me. Here goes:

1. I like purple colour, forget-me-nots, lavender, chocolate, coffee, IKEA, CSI and Harry Potter.
2. Recently, I've been working from home, and I enjoy it immensely.
3. I somehow cannot bring myself to listening to Il Divo and Eroika, but I adore Josh Groban's singing. And Michael Buble's too.
4. I went to see U2 (and also saw Axl of G'n'R there!) and Metallica in the 90s.
5. I wish and intend to take my children to see Cirque du Soleil.
6. I can't wait for another season of Bones being broadcast on our TV.
7. Some day I'd like to live at the seaside.

My seven choices for the next round:

1. Suzy
2. Manuela
3. Jasmina
4. Moni
5. McCrafty
6. Sonja
7. Marika
