Za malo predaha od voščilnic danes objavljam slike mojih malih torbic - čisto preprosto spletene, z dodanim gumbkom, ročajčki in obročkom za ključe, pa že bingljajo s kakšnega šopa ključev, mobilca, torbe... / To take a break from all the cards, I'm posting some photos of my little bags - simply knitted, with a little button added, little handles and a key ring, and you can already see them dangling from a bunch of keys, a mobile phone, a handbag...
Spodnjih štiriindvajset sem letos podarila za decembrski bazar v našem mestu. / I gave away these twenty-four bags for this year's December bazaar in our town.
In če torbic še niste videli v živo, še ena slika za boljšo predstavo o velikosti (mreža je v cm). / And if you haven't seen the bags yet, here's a photo for a better sense of their size (the grid is in centimetres).
Pa še bonbončki:
Svojega objavlja Sandra, a je njegova vsebina zaenkrat še presenečenje. Enega pa bom kmalu pripravila tudi jaz - glede na števec... Kako se stvari spreminjajo. Če bi mi lani decembra kdo rekel, da bo moj blog sploh kdaj dosegel deset tisoč obiskov, bi se mu samo smejala. Zdaj jih bo pa že dvajset tisoč! No, enkrat te dni vas povabim na sladkanje.
And candies:
Sandra is offering her blog candy - its contents is a surprise for now. And I'll be offering one real soon - according to my counter... Amazing how things change. If anyone had said to me last December that my blog would ever reach ten thousand visits, I would have laughed at them. But now we're pushing twenty thousand, my blog and I! Well anyway, I'll be inviting you for some sweetness in the next few days.