Tako sem ga obljubljala, in številka 20000 je že tudi zdavnaj presežena, zato zdaj za vse moje zveste in naključne bralce objavljam
In ker je božični čas, bo njegova vsebina presenečenje.
In ker je božični čas, ni za sodelovanje v žrebanju potrebno nič drugega kot komentarček pri tej objavi.
In ker je božični čas, bo žrebanje v času, ko tudi Božiček nosi darila - 25. decembra v zgodnjih jutranjih urah. V žrebanju boste sodelovali vsi, ki boste svoj komentar oddali najkasneje 24. decembra do 23.59.
First of all, a candy!!!
I've been promising it for quite a while, and number 20000 was exceeded long ago, so now I'm announcing - for all my loyal and incidental readers -
And since it's Christmas time, its contents is going to be a surprise.
And since it's Christmas time, you only need to leave a little comment for this post in order to participate.
And since it's Christmas time, the raffle will be held at the time when Santa is bringing presents - in the early morning hours of the 25th December. If you wish to participate, leave your comment by 24th December, 11:59 p.m.
Včeraj smo v Izlakah imele letošnje zadnje uradno srečanje Otoka zakladov. Kot vedno je bilo zelo prijetno, z veliko klepeta, izmenjav darilc, materialov in idej, veliko smeha. / Yesterday, this year's last official meeting of the Treasure Island was organised in Izlake. As always, we had a very pleasant time, full of chatting, exchanging presents, materials and ideas, and lots of laughter.
In spet je bilo pred srečanjem kar nekaj priprav (izdelki za razstavo, materiali za menjavo, darilo za gostiteljico, tema mačka v žaklju pa je bila tokrat "okrasek za božično drevesce". / And quite some preparation was necessary, as always before such meetings (creations for the exhibition, materials for exchanges, a present for the host and a hidden present - this time, the topic was "an ornament for the Christmas tree".
Za gostiteljico Anito sem pripravila darilce - "Ustvarjalno ozimnico". / For our host Anita, I prepared these "pickled crafting materials".
V kozarec sem naložila razne čestitkarske drobnarije. Upam, da ji bodo prišle prav. / I took a jar and put various card-making thingies is it. I hope she'll find them useful.
In tole je moj okrasek - malo sem se poigrala z modularnim origamijem. / And this is my ornament - I played a bit with modular origami.
Uporabila sem tanek (rižev) darilni papir, po navodilih, ki sem jih našla na fantastični strani Folding Trees, iz kvadratkov 2,5 x 2,5 cm izdelala 60 cvetnih lističev, jih po pet združila v dvanajst rožic in zlepila v kroglo. / I used thin (rice) gift wrapping paper, followed the instructions that I found on a fantastic website Folding Trees, and made 60 petals from squares 2.5 by 2.5 cm, joined five by five together to make twelve flowers and glued them all together in a ball.
In toliko še moram narediti. In toooooliko bi še rada naredila! / And there is still so much to be done. And there is still soooooooo much I'd like to do!