1. Najprej prašički, ki so skupaj s torbicami šli na bazar. Narejeni so iz FIMO mase, običajno jih naredim okrog 40 iz enega paketa, največkrat so enobarvni, a sem jih delala že tudi dvobarvne. Večinoma jih naredim kot stoječe figurice, enkrat pa sem jim dodala kaveljček, da se jih je dalo obesiti na verižico.
/ 1. First of all, the piglets that went, together with my little bags, to the bazaar. They are made of FIMO, I usually make around 40 of them from one block, thea are mostly of one colour, but I've made them in two colours as well. I usually make them as standing figurines; once I tried and added them little hooks to make little pendants for a necklace.
2. Včeraj me je z darilcem iz igre Podaj naprej, z romantično beležkico razveselila Lenčka. (Njene fotke so dosti boljše od mojih, zato si beležko raje oglejte v njeni objavi.) Darilce me je spomnilo, da bi jaz tudi lahko še letos obdarila Suzy in Mariko, ki sta nadaljevanje igre prevzeli na mojem blogu. Se bom potrudila!
/ 2. Yesterday, I got a little present for the game Pass it on, a romantic little notebook from Lenčka. (Her photos of the present are much better than mine, so please take a look at the notebook on her blog.) The present reminded me that I could make and send my presents for Suzy and Marika, who continued the game on their blogs, before the end of the year. I'll do my best!
3. Sliko darilca za božični swap, ki ga na Otoku zakladov organizira Tulpika, sem že poslala, darilce gre na pot jutri, slikico pa bom pokazala, ko bo album odprt (interna pravila).
/ 3. I've already sent a photo of the present for the Christmas swap organised on the Treasure Island by Tulpika. I'm sending the present itself tomorrow, and I'll show you the photo when the album is opened (Island rules).
4. Oddala in prejela sem tudi po pet voščilnic v swapu, ki ga je, prav tako na Otoku zakladov, oranizirala Cebelica. Slikice prav tako pokažem kasneje.
/ 4. And I also sent and received five cards in the swap organised on the Island by Cebelica. I'll show these photos later as well.
5. Pred objavo bonbončka pa še eno mini darilce - en mini nasvet, ki bo morda komu prišel prav: že nekaj časa se trudim, da bi vsaj nekoliko očistila bele kovinske table, ki jih imamo na steni v hodniku in nanje lepimo, pritrjujemo z magnetki in pišemo s flomastri. No, ti flomastri so bili precej problematični - ko sem table obrisala, so na njih ostale sledi, ki jih nisem mogla odstraniti ne z mokro krpo, ne s čistilnim robčkom, ne z alkoholom, ne z razmaščevalcem... Včeraj pa: ideja! StazOn čistilo za črnilo! Sem poskusila in je šlo! Kot na reklamah :)
/ 5. And before I post my blog candy, I'm giving you a little present - a mini advice that some of you might find useful: I've been trying for quite some time now to clean our white boards that we have on the wall in the hall and we stick things to them and write on them. Well, the markers were the problem - when I tried to wipe the boards, I just couldn't get rid of the markers's stains. I tried damp cloth, cleaning tissue, alcohol, kitchen cleaner... And yesterday: an idea! StazOn cleaner! I tried and it worked! Like in commercials :)