26 januar 2009
Današnjo voščilnico posvečam vsem, ki kljub temu našemu čudnemu svetu še vedno verjamete v metuljčke v trebuhu - pa ne samo na Valentinovo...
I dedicate my today's card to all of you who, despite this strange world of ours, still believe in butterflies in the belly - and not only on St. Valentine's Day...
25 januar 2009
Kar takoj še en izziv Penny Black
Tema sobotnega izziva Penny Black št. 33 je okvir. Pa se pri moji voščilnici ni ustavilo pri enem, ampak je nastala kar cela galerija Miškovih družinskih portretov...
The topic for Penny Black Saturday Challenge Nr. 33 is a frame. But while making my card, I couldn't stop at one, so I ended up with an entire gallery of Mousie's family portraits...
22 januar 2009
Moj prvi Penny Black izziv
Kljub temu, da sodijo motivi Penny Black štempiljk med moje najljubše motive, šele v tem tednu objavljam svojo prvo voščilnico za sodelovanje v sobotnem izzivu Penny Black.
Naslov izziva v tem 32. tednu je nekaj takega kot "Gremo se pikice".
Uporabila sem komplet štempiljk Zoophabet, z mojo "albert" štanco naredila izreze živalic in jih nalepila na palčke-malčke. Pobarvala sem jih z navadnimi lesenimi barvicami in barve nekoliko zmehčala z brisalcem tinte. Dodano je še ozadje s pikami, trakec in dve Prima rožici.
Although the Penny Black motives are among my favourite ones, I haven't participated in Penny Black Saturday Challenge until this week.
The theme of the 32nd week's challenge is "Let's Get Dotty".
I used the Zoophabet set, punched out the little animals with my scalloped square punch and placed them on inchies. I coloured them with ordinary wooden colour pencils and softened the colours a little with an ink eradicator. I added a dotted background, a ribbon and two Prima flowers.
20 januar 2009
Škatle - tretjič in četrtič, pa še pohvala
Najprej moja modra, malo večja, za dvajset CD škatel. Se mi je zdelo, da bom svoje štempiljke tako najbolj pregledno pospravila, pa še na polici bo malo lepše zgledalo.
Priredila sem mere prejšnje škatle, v katero je šlo 10 CD škatel, v Müllerju sem našla papir ravno prave modre barve, za zapiranje pa sem uporabila magnetni trak, ki mi ga je še kar nekaj ostalo od zadnjega nakupa. / First of all, my blue one, a little bigger, for 20 CD boxes. I thought this would be the best way to store my stamps, and it will also make the shelf look better.
I adjusted the measurements of the previous box for 10 CD boxes, I found some paper of just the right shade of blue at Müller, and for closing the box, I used some magnet tape that was left of my last purchase.
Napise sem naredila v eni rundi (na škatlo sem jih dala samo za namen fotografiranja). To pa pomeni, da moram naredit še tri take škatle (materiala bo menda dovolj, potem pa bo spet počasi treba po karton, ker ideje in lepi papirji že stojijo v vrsti...).
/ I made a series of tags (I put them on the box just for the purpose of taking the photo). Which means I'll have to make three more boxes like this one (I guess I'll have enough material, but then I'll have to get some more cardboard, because I've got a whole group of ideas and beautiful papers waiting in line...)
Druga današnja škatla je malo bolj skrivnostna - v njej BojaMoja ponuja presenečenje ob praznovanju 17000 obiskov njenega bloga in (nekoliko kasneje) svojega rojstnega dneva. Čestitke!!!
/ Today's second box is a little bit more mysterious - it contains a surprise offered by BojaMoja to celebrate 17000 visits to her blog and (a bit later) her birthday. Congratulations!!!
In še pohvala, ki sem jo včeraj dobila od Kaje75.
/ And the praise I received yesterday from Kaja75.
Hvala - tebi, Kaja, in tudi vsem drugim, ki radi pokukate na moj blog, napišete komentar, ali pa mi to poveste v živo, ali pa si le med besedami in slikami najdete kakšno iskrico zase.
/ Thank you - to you, Kaja, and to all the others who like to take a peek at my blog, write a comment, say it to me in person or merely find a spark for yourselves in all the words and pictures.
Najprej moja modra, malo večja, za dvajset CD škatel. Se mi je zdelo, da bom svoje štempiljke tako najbolj pregledno pospravila, pa še na polici bo malo lepše zgledalo.
Priredila sem mere prejšnje škatle, v katero je šlo 10 CD škatel, v Müllerju sem našla papir ravno prave modre barve, za zapiranje pa sem uporabila magnetni trak, ki mi ga je še kar nekaj ostalo od zadnjega nakupa. / First of all, my blue one, a little bigger, for 20 CD boxes. I thought this would be the best way to store my stamps, and it will also make the shelf look better.
I adjusted the measurements of the previous box for 10 CD boxes, I found some paper of just the right shade of blue at Müller, and for closing the box, I used some magnet tape that was left of my last purchase.
Napise sem naredila v eni rundi (na škatlo sem jih dala samo za namen fotografiranja). To pa pomeni, da moram naredit še tri take škatle (materiala bo menda dovolj, potem pa bo spet počasi treba po karton, ker ideje in lepi papirji že stojijo v vrsti...).
/ I made a series of tags (I put them on the box just for the purpose of taking the photo). Which means I'll have to make three more boxes like this one (I guess I'll have enough material, but then I'll have to get some more cardboard, because I've got a whole group of ideas and beautiful papers waiting in line...)
Druga današnja škatla je malo bolj skrivnostna - v njej BojaMoja ponuja presenečenje ob praznovanju 17000 obiskov njenega bloga in (nekoliko kasneje) svojega rojstnega dneva. Čestitke!!!
/ Today's second box is a little bit more mysterious - it contains a surprise offered by BojaMoja to celebrate 17000 visits to her blog and (a bit later) her birthday. Congratulations!!!
In še pohvala, ki sem jo včeraj dobila od Kaje75.
/ And the praise I received yesterday from Kaja75.
Hvala - tebi, Kaja, in tudi vsem drugim, ki radi pokukate na moj blog, napišete komentar, ali pa mi to poveste v živo, ali pa si le med besedami in slikami najdete kakšno iskrico zase.
/ Thank you - to you, Kaja, and to all the others who like to take a peek at my blog, write a comment, say it to me in person or merely find a spark for yourselves in all the words and pictures.
18 januar 2009
Nov dom za razcepke
Saj jih ne uporabljam čisto vsak dan. Ampak sem se nekako naveličala brskanja po škatlici, da bi našla tri ali štiri enake barve (vsaj po oblikah sem jih imela ločene). No, pa sem vzela dva stara lesena okvirčka (IKEA), odstranila stekelce in z obojestranskim lepilnim trakom prilepila pravokotno plastično mrežico z majhnimi luknjicami. In sem dobila neke vrste platno, v katerega sem lahko napikala razcepke, ki so zdaj vedno na svojem mestu in lahko dosegljive - nekaj jih je sortiranih po barvi, nekaj jih je zloženih v vzorček, rožice pa so kot na travniku in kličejo pomlad :)
Not that I use them every single day. But I somehow got tired of searching through the box to find three or four of the same colour (well, at least I had them sorted by colour). So I took two old wooden frames (IKEA), removed the glass and with the double-sided tape, I adhered a rectangular plastic net with small holes to each of them. And I ended up with some kind of canvas to pin all the brads into. They are now always in their place and are easily accessible - some of them are sorted by colour, some are arranged in a pattern and the flowers are, like on a meadow, calling out for the spring to come.
16 januar 2009
Škatle - drugič
14 januar 2009
Buba in Pujsačka
Obe v bistvu "ponesrečka", pa na koncu vseeno posrečeni...
Ko ne morem ustvarjati pri mizi, recimo ko sem v avtu ali kaj gledam na TV, pletem. In tako sem pletla tudi poskusno mačko za Kajin mačji swap in enega kosmatega objemčka. Pa se mi nekako nista posrečila tako, kot sem si zamislila. Mačka je bila premalo mačja, objemček pa preveč kosmat.
Ko je moja starejša hči videla mačko, jo je zaradi roza barve in oblike noska poimenovala Pujsačka in jo takoj posvojila. Kosmati objemček pa je postal Buba in po novem stanuje pri moji mlajši hčeri.
Mama pa že plete nove pošasti...
BUBA (= a cocoon) AND PUJSAČKA (= "Piggy-Cat", a made up name)
Both of them actually "rejects", but in the end, both a success...
When I cannot do any crafts at the table, for example when I'm in the car or watching TV, I knit. And so I was knitting a trial-cat for the cat swap organised by Kaja and a hairy huggy. But none of them turned out as I imagined they should. The cat wasn't enough cat-like, and the huggy was just too hairy.
When my older daughter saw the cat, she named it (because of its pink colour and the shape of its nose) Pujsačka (pujs - a pig, mačka - a cat; see the ingenuity?) and adopted it right away. The hairy huggy was named Buba (= a cocoon; I wonder why?) and has been staying with my younger daughter since yesterday.
And Mum is already knitting new monsters...
11 januar 2009
Škatla, ki sem se je lotila, je namesto shranjevanju odtiskov, papirčkov in podobnih dragocenosti namenjena shranjevanju in prenašanju CD škatel, v katerih hranim svoje štempiljke.
Instead for storing the stamped images, pieces of paper and other goodies, the box I decided to make is intended for storing and carrying around the CD boxes where I keep my clear stamps.
Osnovni koncept izdelave sem povzela po škatli, ki sem jo dobila od Kaje75, in po njeni demonstraciji, vendar sem dimenzije prilagodila dimenzijam CD škatel, pa tudi notranji del sem želela narediti kar kot en prostorček.
Karton sem oblekla v ročno izdelan papir, ki sem ga nekoč kupila v IKEI, luknjice za trakec sem naredila kar s Fiskarsovim luknjačem in jih okrasila z zlatimi nalepkami, ki so čisto slučajno imele na sredi ravno prav velike luknje.
/ The basic concept was copied from the box I got from Kaja75 and from her demonstration, but I adjusted the measurements to the measurements of the CD boxes, and I also wanted to have only one "compartment" inside.
I covered the cardboard in hand-made paper I once bought in IKEA, I punched the holes for the ribbons with my Fiskars hand punch and embellished them with some golden stickers that, incidentally, had just the right hole in the centre.
Notranji del se mi je zdel premehak, zato sem se odločila, da bom tudi stranski stranici naredila iz trdega kartona. Nastala je tale pisana škatlica za deset škatlic za CD-je.
/ I thought the inner part wasn't strong enough, so I decided to use the cardboard for the sides as well. I ended up with this colourful box for ten CD boxes.
Da bi stranici lažje oblepila s papirjem, sem širši stranici prerezala na pol in prilepila na levo in desno stran dveh ožjih stranic. Zapira se na vrhu, z okroglim ježkom.
/ To make it easier to cover the two sides with paper, I cut the wider sides in half and put the halves to the left and right of the narrower sides. It has a velcro circle on the top for keeping it closed.
Ob izdelavi teh dveh sem si pripravila še kar nekaj kompletov kartona za še nekaj škatel - pokažem pozneje, pa morda še kakšno razlago...
/ While making these two, I prepared some sets of cardboard for another few boxes - I'll be showing them later, perhaps with some explanation...
Instead for storing the stamped images, pieces of paper and other goodies, the box I decided to make is intended for storing and carrying around the CD boxes where I keep my clear stamps.
Osnovni koncept izdelave sem povzela po škatli, ki sem jo dobila od Kaje75, in po njeni demonstraciji, vendar sem dimenzije prilagodila dimenzijam CD škatel, pa tudi notranji del sem želela narediti kar kot en prostorček.
Karton sem oblekla v ročno izdelan papir, ki sem ga nekoč kupila v IKEI, luknjice za trakec sem naredila kar s Fiskarsovim luknjačem in jih okrasila z zlatimi nalepkami, ki so čisto slučajno imele na sredi ravno prav velike luknje.
/ The basic concept was copied from the box I got from Kaja75 and from her demonstration, but I adjusted the measurements to the measurements of the CD boxes, and I also wanted to have only one "compartment" inside.
I covered the cardboard in hand-made paper I once bought in IKEA, I punched the holes for the ribbons with my Fiskars hand punch and embellished them with some golden stickers that, incidentally, had just the right hole in the centre.
Notranji del se mi je zdel premehak, zato sem se odločila, da bom tudi stranski stranici naredila iz trdega kartona. Nastala je tale pisana škatlica za deset škatlic za CD-je.
/ I thought the inner part wasn't strong enough, so I decided to use the cardboard for the sides as well. I ended up with this colourful box for ten CD boxes.
Da bi stranici lažje oblepila s papirjem, sem širši stranici prerezala na pol in prilepila na levo in desno stran dveh ožjih stranic. Zapira se na vrhu, z okroglim ježkom.
/ To make it easier to cover the two sides with paper, I cut the wider sides in half and put the halves to the left and right of the narrower sides. It has a velcro circle on the top for keeping it closed.
Ob izdelavi teh dveh sem si pripravila še kar nekaj kompletov kartona za še nekaj škatel - pokažem pozneje, pa morda še kakšno razlago...
/ While making these two, I prepared some sets of cardboard for another few boxes - I'll be showing them later, perhaps with some explanation...
08 januar 2009
Moja prva blog nagrada
Dobila sem svojo prvo nagrado - Suzy je med blogi, ki so ji všeč, zapisala tudi mojega. Hvala, Suzy! Bila sem tako vesela, da sem naredila tale znakec za pohvale.
I've received my first award - Suzy included my blog among the ones she likes. Thank you, Suzy! I was so happy that I went and made this little praise sign (saying 'I like your blog').
Pa naj še jaz naštejem sedem blogov, ki jim želim podeliti moj znakec:
/ And here are seven blogs that I'd like to present with my little sign:
Tako preprosto ... igrivo, ustvarjalno
Polipap crafter
BojaMoja ustvarja
Sonjin ustvarjalni kotiček
Ustvarjati pomeni dvakrat živeti
Slovonske technobe
Ustvarjalne drobtinice
Punce, delite pohvale naprej! In če je kateri znakec všeč, bom počaščena, če ga boste uporabile tudi ve (od danes naprej bo na voljo v stranskem stolpcu).
/ Pass on your praise, girls! And if any of you like my sign, I'll be honoured if you use it as well (I'll be available in the side column from now on).
06 januar 2009
Tri iz ene
Na svojem zadnjem izletu z mojimi bivšimi sodelavci sem našla prijetno majhno knjigarno in krasno kvadratno voščilnico z devetimi sličicami. In tam sredi knjigarne sem že približno vedela, da se bo tista ena pri meni doma spremenila v več voščilnic. In zdaj, ko sem pospravljala božične motive in papirje in zvezdice in bleščice, sem jo zopet našla. Pa so nastale tri.
When I was on my last trip with my ex-colleagues, I found a nice little bookshop and a great square card with nine motives. And already in that bookshop, I had a vague idea how that one card was going to be changed into several cards back home. And now, when I was putting away the Christmas motives and papers and stars and glitter, I found it again. And I made three cards from it.
04 januar 2009
Tri štance
Rožica, znamka in mini kuverta.
Papir je (še vedno) iz "tistega" kompleta, ki ga kar ne morem nehati uporabljati kot komplet.
Ozadja znamk so narezana z giljotino, vsaka rožica pa ima na sredi še pikico, nerejeno z belim gel pisalom.
A flower, a stamp and a mini envelope.
The paper is (still) from "the" set which I just can't stop using as a set.
The backgrounds of the stamps were cut with the paper cutter and each flower has a little dot in the centre made with a white gel pen.
03 januar 2009
Ena mala objemčica
Že pred časom sem bila čisto navdušena nad objemčki in sem jih že tudi nekaj naredila (in podarila), pa še na svoji mravljičici sem prenesla navdušenje.
Tokrat pa sem za osnovo namesto filca uporabila volno - ker ne morem kar ves čas delati mojih mini torbic, sem pomislila, da bi poskusila telo za objemčka splesti, vse ostalo pa bi ostalo enako...
Some time ago, I was quite excited about huggies, and I made (and gave away) some of them myself as well. And I also passed my excitement onto my two tiny ants.
This time, I made the base from wool instead of felt - since I cannot make my mini bags all the time, I thought I'd try and knit the huggy's body, and all the rest would remain the same.
Sprednja stran / The front
Zadnja stran / The back
Pa še za občutek velikosti - objemčica v dlani, kamor konec koncev tudi sodi :)
/ And to give you the sense of its size - the huggy girl in the hand where it belongs after all :)
Tokrat pa sem za osnovo namesto filca uporabila volno - ker ne morem kar ves čas delati mojih mini torbic, sem pomislila, da bi poskusila telo za objemčka splesti, vse ostalo pa bi ostalo enako...
Some time ago, I was quite excited about huggies, and I made (and gave away) some of them myself as well. And I also passed my excitement onto my two tiny ants.
This time, I made the base from wool instead of felt - since I cannot make my mini bags all the time, I thought I'd try and knit the huggy's body, and all the rest would remain the same.
Sprednja stran / The front
Zadnja stran / The back
Pa še za občutek velikosti - objemčica v dlani, kamor konec koncev tudi sodi :)
/ And to give you the sense of its size - the huggy girl in the hand where it belongs after all :)
02 januar 2009
Ponovoletna preprostost
Po vseh bleščicah, svetlečih trakcih, snežinkah, po vsej rdeči in zlati barvi se mi je že kar zahotelo malo umirjenosti.
Šopek v vazi je srebrna nalepka, pobarvana s Tria markerji, kartoni so iz Lidla, kvadratne razcepke pa sem dobila od Manuele.
After all the glitter, shiny ribbons, snowflakes, after all the red and gold colour, I felt like making something more serene.
The bouquet in the vase is a silver sticker, coloured with Tria markers, the cardboard is from Lidl, and I used some square brads that I got from Manuela.
01 januar 2009
Namesto sklepov in zaobljub...
... na prvi dan leta spet malo spreminjam izgled mojega b(r)loga, objavljam prenovljen seznam povezav na ustvarjalne bloge, poleg tega pa sem si po dolgem času spet shranila svoje objave. To sem začela izvajati kar kmalu, ker bi mi bilo škoda, če bi se objave zaradi kakršnegakoli razloga izgubile; saj ne, da ne bi imela shranjenih fotografij vseh izdelkov, pa tudi povezave bi se dalo restavrirati - nekako se mi zdi, da kljub temu, da ne pišem dosti čisto neposredno o svojem življenju, skozi objave berem svojo zgodbo. Zato si vsako objavo shranim v svoj dokument, dokumente pa po mesecih v mape.
Morda se bo tudi komu izmed vas ideja zdela uporabna...
Pa dober štart v novo leto vam želim!
... I used the first day of the year to change the appearance of my blog again, I'm posting my renewed list of crafty blogs, and beside that, I took time to save my posts after quite some time. I started saving them quite soon after I began blogging, because I think it would be a shame if they got lost for any reason whatsoever; not that I don't have the photos of all the things I make, and the links could also be restored - but although I don't write much directly about my life, I can read my story in the posts. So I save each post as a separate document and documents in folders for separate months.
Maybe some of you might find this idea useful...
I wish you all a good start in the new year!
Morda se bo tudi komu izmed vas ideja zdela uporabna...
Pa dober štart v novo leto vam želim!
... I used the first day of the year to change the appearance of my blog again, I'm posting my renewed list of crafty blogs, and beside that, I took time to save my posts after quite some time. I started saving them quite soon after I began blogging, because I think it would be a shame if they got lost for any reason whatsoever; not that I don't have the photos of all the things I make, and the links could also be restored - but although I don't write much directly about my life, I can read my story in the posts. So I save each post as a separate document and documents in folders for separate months.
Maybe some of you might find this idea useful...
I wish you all a good start in the new year!
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