Toliko rožic sem si še pripravila za zadnjo rundo - odtisnila, izrezala, nekatere pobarvala in naredila luknjice za obročke. Samo še "popihat" in "naobeskat" jih moram, potem jih pa še enkrat pokažem. (Aja, pa še nekaj črk me čaka...)
Številki pa sem v bistvu izbrala še zaradi nečesa.
Prva, dvanajstica, je za nagradici.

V zadnjih dnevih sem ju dobila od petih blog-prijateljic - pa ravno pet jih je na sliki :)
Alenka in
SnowflakeVsem petim ju s prisrčno zahvalo in veseljem vračam, poleg tega pa ju predajam še naslednjim:
- kraljici popotovanj in albumov in evropskih stojnic
Urški in kraljici sivke in vsega vijoličnega
Dodo, za kateri sem srečna za trikrat okrog sveta, da sem ju spoznala
- kraljicam poligline
Majdi in
Kristini, za katere upam, da jih bom kdaj srečala v živo
- kraljicama pisane besede in risanja in slikanja in oh in sploh
Kitty in
Poloni, za kateri že komaj čakam, da ju spoznam
* * *
Druga, sedmica, je za seznamček, ki ga takrat, ko je bilo aktualno, nisem utegnila napisat:
Sedem stvari, ki jih obožujem1. Moja družinica - Mravljinček in moji zlati deklici. Naši skupni trenutki, sprehodi, pustolovščine in crkljanje.
2. Moji sorodniki - ko bi le uspeli najti še več možnosti, da bi skupaj lahko preživeli več časa.
3. Moje ustvarjanje in moje nove sestrice, ki sem jih našla na Otoku zakladov - nikoli si nisem mislila, da imam toliko sorodnih duš in vse tako blizu, v naši mali Sloveniji
4. Morje. Zrak z vonjem po soli. Zlati odsev sonca na večerni gladini. Hlad prve stopinje v jutranje "ogledalo". Okroglo šumenje obračajočih se kamenčkov. Toplota od korakov zglajenih kamnov. Škržati v vročem opoldnevu. Galebi. Bele pene ob boku trajekta. Modrina.
5. Vijolična barva. Že dolga leta moja najljubša. Ne vem, zakaj.
6. Jesen. Barve odtehtajo hlad in mokroto.
7. V zadnji košarici jih je še kar nekaj. Sivka in spominčice. Moje delo. Harry Potter. London. Pohorje. Jugo muzika. In še vse tisto in vsi tisti, ki se niso ujeli v katero od teh sedmih točk, a vseeno imajo svoj prostor v delčku mojega srca.
That is the number of flowers I've prepared for the last round - I stamped them, cut them out, coloured some of them, punched little holes for the rings. Now I only need to heat them and add the rings and then I'll show them once again. (Oh and yes, I've got some more letters to make...)
But the numbers were also chosen for another reason.
The first one, twelve, is for the prizes.
I recieved them over the last few days from five of my blog buddies - and there is exactly five ladies in the picture :)
BojaMoja, Suzy, Kreal, Alenka and Snowflake
Thank you, girls, and I'm sending them back to you - with my appreciation and good wishes.
And I'd like to give them to seven more bloggers:
- to the queen of travel and scrapbooks and stalls in the European village Urška and the queen of lavender and everything purple Dodo - I'm happy three times around the world to know you two
- the queens of polyclay Maja, Majda and Kristina - I hope I'll have a chance of meeting the three of you some day
- the queens of writing and drawing and painting and more and more Kitty and Polona - I can't wait to meet both of you
* * *
The second number, seven, is for the list that was a topic of a game some time ago, but I didn't get to write it them:
Seven things I love
1. My little family - my hubby and my two little girls. Our moments together, walks, adventures and cuddling.
2. My relatives - I wish we could find even more opportunities to spend some more time together.
3. My crafting hobby and my new sisters I've found at the Treasure Island - I never thought there were so many people who do and like the same things as me, and not even far away.
4. The sea. The air with the scent of salt. A golden reflection of the sun in the evening. The first step in the coolness of the morning "mirror". Round rustle of turning pebbles. The warmth of smooth stones. Heat and cicadas at noon. Seagulls. White foams by the side of a ferry. The blue endlessness.
5. Purple colour. Been my favourite for years. Don't know why.
6. Autumn. The colours prevail over the coldness and wetness.
7. There are quite some more in the last basket. Lavender and forget-me-nots. My work. Harry Potter. London. Pohorje. "Jugo muzika". And everything and all those that didn't fit in any of these categories and yet they have their own place in my heart.mravljica