V soboto bo
Mačjelovka (društvo za pomoč prostoživečim mačkam) v Mostecu imelo stojnico in na
Otoku zakladov je bil objavljen poziv za sodelovanje z izdelki - Vixi je izdelala prototip mucka za srečo, dobrodošli pa so tudi drugi všečni, uporabni izdelki na temo živali.
Tudi jaz sem se odzvala pozivu, malo pobrskala po zalogah in naredila nekaj novih stvari. Same drobnarije:
On Saturday, the Mačjelovka society (Mačjelovka ="cat catcher", a society that helps free-living cats) will have a stand in Mostec and at the Treasure Island, there was an invitation to contribute some things to bo sold, along with an instruction for a little luck kitty made by Vixi. Other small, likeable, animal-themed objects are also welcome.
I went through my stash and made some new small things. Here goes:
Ti obeski so že bili objavljeni. Medtem so iz daljnjih krajev pripotovale tudi vrvice, tako da smo jih lahko z mravljičicama opremile. Za ta namen sem izbrala samo mačje motive.
These little ones have been posted already. In the meantime, the cords have arrived from a land far away, so my daughters and I were able to make the danglers. For this purpose, I chose cat motives only.
Med brskanjem po internetu za novimi mačjimi motivi sem našla tale dva. V originalu sta vzorca za šivanje, a sta se mi zdela zelo primerna za prerisat in skrčit.
While browsing for cat motives in the internet, I found these two. Originally, they were intended for embroidery, but I thought they were very appropriate to be copied and shrunk.
Takega mucka mi je narisala moja starejša mravljičica. Bil mi je tako všeč, da sem ga poskenirala, sprintala na eko karton, nalepila na magnetni trak in izrezala deset magnetkov. Mucke sem pustila nepobarvane.
This kitty was drawn by my older daughter. I liked it so much that I scanned it, printed on eco cardboard, adhered to magnetic tape and cut out ten magnets. I left them uncoloured.
Ker se vroča pištola še ni čisto ohladila, sem jih narisala tudi na folijo in skrčila. Prvi so bili mišljeni kot obeski, a so imeli pretanke vratke, ki bi se zlomili, zato sem naredila še eno rundo in jih nalepila na kljukice, ki so še bila na zalogi. Tako se ne bodo zlomili.
The heat gut did not cool off entirely, so I drew them on shrink plastic and shrunk them. The first ones were meant as little danglers, but their necks were to thin and would probably break, so I made another batch and glued them to the decorated clothes pins I still had in my stash. Now they won't break.
Palčki malčki - mačji magnetki. Penny Black mačkona sem odtisnila na svetleče kartončke (2,3 x 2,3 cm) in nalepila na barvne kvadratke 2,5 x 2,5 cm, zadaj pa sem dodala kvadratke magnetnega traku. Hitro in učinkovito.
Inchies - cat magnets. I stamped the Penny Black cat to glossy card squares (2.3 x 2.3 cm) and adhered to coloured squares 2.5 x 2.5 cm, and added squares of magnetic tape at the back. Quick and effective.
Pa še nekaj mini knjižnih kazal. Šablono za tega mucka sem prerisala z neke nalepke, nato sem ga prenesla na barvast papir, dorisala obrazke, ušeska in šapice, plastificirala, izrezala in pritrdila na sponke.
And some mini bookmarks. I made a template of this cat by using some old sticker, I copied it to coloured paper, added the faces, ears and paws, laminated, cut out and attached to paper clips.
"in še kaj" iz naslova so pa tile moji klasični pujski - tokrat mi jih je uspelo narediti petnajst, če pa bodo dobri prinašalci sreče, pridejo novi.
"and more" from the title are there classical piglets of mine - this time I managed to make fifteen of them, but if they do a good job bringing luck, I'll make more.
Te torbice sem že nekoč pokazala. Ravno deset jih je bilo, pa so šle zraven na kupček. Niso ravno živalski motiv, so pa majhne in mehke :)
/ I've shown these little bags before. There were exactly ten of them, and I added them to the pile. They are not exactly animal themed, but they are small and soft :) 
Skupno število drobnarij: osemdeset. Upam, da jim bodo prišle prav.
Total number: eighty. I hope they'll help for the good cause.mravljica