29 avgust 2009

Zakaj nimam seznama...

...šesnajstaužnttristopetndvajstih knjig, prebranih v šestih dnevih našega letošnjega morskega dopusta?

... of a gazillion books read in six days of this year's holidays by the sea?

Zato. / This is why.

In zato. / And this.

Kvačkane ogrlice in zapestnice sem šele v zadnjih dneh uspela opremiti s sponkami, zato jih objavljam šele sedaj.
/ I've managed to attach clasps to crocheted necklaces and bracelets only recently, that is why I haven't posted them before.

Se mi zdi, da je edino upanje za kak daljši knjižni seznam pri meni samo, če si uspem preskrbet kaj zvočnih knjig...
/ It seems that with me, there is some hope for a longer book list only if I manage to get a hold of some audio books...


27 avgust 2009

Glasba, na pomoč!

Polona je rabila pesmi za poletje, jaz jih danes rabim za dviganje morale. Pride pač dan, ko iz obilice ustvarjanja človek pade v obilico drugačnega dela, ko je tekst za prevajanje neskončen in neverjeten, ko...

No, muzika pomaga. Predpisujem si naslednjo mešanico - nekaj starih dobrih, nekaj svežih, nekaj jugo nostalgije, nekaj najstniških izpadov, nekaj dekliškega, nekaj latino... glavno, da je dovolj glasno, brez predsodkov in da pomaga!


Polona needed some songs for the summer
, I need something uplifting today. From time to time, there comes a day when you have to leave the abundance of crafting behind and struggle with the abundance of another kind of work, when the text that needs to be translated is endless and incredible, when...

Well, music helps. I'm prescribing myself the following mixture - some oldies and goodies, some fresh ones, some Yugo nostalgia, some teenage frenzy, some girlie stuff, some latino... as long as it is loud enough, with no prejudice and helpful!

1. Z Goričkega v Piran (Vlado Kreslin)

tudi tista z Galom je fajn, ampak Vlado je pa le Vlado
/ the one with Gal is fine as well, but Vlado is Vlado

2. Sonček je in ti si skuštrana (Zoran Predin)

če bo kdaj objavljen nov razpis za največjega slovenskega pesnika, je Zoran moj kandidat - mislim, a ste si kdaj vzeli čas in ZARES prebrali besedila njegovih pesmi?
/ if there's ever a contest for the new greatest Slovenian poet, I'll vote for Zoran - I mean, have you ever taken the time and REALLY read his texts?

3. Tamo gdje je sve po mom (JINX)

"da ne poludim, da ne mislim, da ne čujem i ne vidim"

4. Napile se ulice (Bijelo dugme)

" a jen, a dva, a jen dva tri"

5. Suada (Plavi orkestar)

po toliko letih... / after so many years...

6. Put Your Records On (Corinne Bailey Ray)

dekliško, fajn / girly, nice

7. I'm Yours (Jason Mraz)

za deklice, fajn / for girlies, nice

8. 1,2,3,4 (Plain White T's)

za deklice, fajn / for girlies, nice

9. Do Ya (McFly)

najstniški izpad - ja, saj vem... / teenage frenzy - yeah, I know...

10. Sway (Michael Bublé)

najstniški izpad - ja, saj vem... pa še latino / teenage frenzy - yeah, I know... and latino

11. Camisa negra (Juanes)

oh, latino

12. Me gustas tú (Manu Chao)

"qué voy a hacer, je ne sais pas"

13. Buona sera signorina (Louis Prima)

po toliko letih... / after so many years...

14. I Gotta Feeling (Black Eyed Peas)

hvala za ritem / thanks for the rhythm

15. Greatest Day (Take That)

hvala za vsebino / thanks for the lyrics

Zdaj pa na glas pa plesat! Pa še kak predlog napisat :)
/ And now, volume up and dance! And add some of your suggestions :)


26 avgust 2009

Mice mace in še kaj

V soboto bo Mačjelovka (društvo za pomoč prostoživečim mačkam) v Mostecu imelo stojnico in na Otoku zakladov je bil objavljen poziv za sodelovanje z izdelki - Vixi je izdelala prototip mucka za srečo, dobrodošli pa so tudi drugi všečni, uporabni izdelki na temo živali.

Tudi jaz sem se odzvala pozivu, malo pobrskala po zalogah in naredila nekaj novih stvari. Same drobnarije:


On Saturday, the Mačjelovka society (Mačjelovka ="cat catcher", a society that helps free-living cats) will have a stand in Mostec and at the Treasure Island, there was an invitation to contribute some things to bo sold, along with an instruction for a little luck kitty made by Vixi. Other small, likeable, animal-themed objects are also welcome.

I went through my stash and made some new small things. Here goes:

Ti obeski so že bili objavljeni. Medtem so iz daljnjih krajev pripotovale tudi vrvice, tako da smo jih lahko z mravljičicama opremile. Za ta namen sem izbrala samo mačje motive.
/ These little ones have been posted already. In the meantime, the cords have arrived from a land far away, so my daughters and I were able to make the danglers. For this purpose, I chose cat motives only.

Med brskanjem po internetu za novimi mačjimi motivi sem našla tale dva. V originalu sta vzorca za šivanje, a sta se mi zdela zelo primerna za prerisat in skrčit.
/ While browsing for cat motives in the internet, I found these two. Originally, they were intended for embroidery, but I thought they were very appropriate to be copied and shrunk.

Takega mucka mi je narisala moja starejša mravljičica. Bil mi je tako všeč, da sem ga poskenirala, sprintala na eko karton, nalepila na magnetni trak in izrezala deset magnetkov. Mucke sem pustila nepobarvane.
/ This kitty was drawn by my older daughter. I liked it so much that I scanned it, printed on eco cardboard, adhered to magnetic tape and cut out ten magnets. I left them uncoloured.

Ker se vroča pištola še ni čisto ohladila, sem jih narisala tudi na folijo in skrčila. Prvi so bili mišljeni kot obeski, a so imeli pretanke vratke, ki bi se zlomili, zato sem naredila še eno rundo in jih nalepila na kljukice, ki so še bila na zalogi. Tako se ne bodo zlomili.
/ The heat gut did not cool off entirely, so I drew them on shrink plastic and shrunk them. The first ones were meant as little danglers, but their necks were to thin and would probably break, so I made another batch and glued them to the decorated clothes pins I still had in my stash. Now they won't break.

Palčki malčki - mačji magnetki. Penny Black mačkona sem odtisnila na svetleče kartončke (2,3 x 2,3 cm) in nalepila na barvne kvadratke 2,5 x 2,5 cm, zadaj pa sem dodala kvadratke magnetnega traku. Hitro in učinkovito.
/ Inchies - cat magnets. I stamped the Penny Black cat to glossy card squares (2.3 x 2.3 cm) and adhered to coloured squares 2.5 x 2.5 cm, and added squares of magnetic tape at the back. Quick and effective.

Pa še nekaj mini knjižnih kazal. Šablono za tega mucka sem prerisala z neke nalepke, nato sem ga prenesla na barvast papir, dorisala obrazke, ušeska in šapice, plastificirala, izrezala in pritrdila na sponke.
/ And some mini bookmarks. I made a template of this cat by using some old sticker, I copied it to coloured paper, added the faces, ears and paws, laminated, cut out and attached to paper clips.

"in še kaj" iz naslova so pa tile moji klasični pujski - tokrat mi jih je uspelo narediti petnajst, če pa bodo dobri prinašalci sreče, pridejo novi.
/ "and more" from the title are there classical piglets of mine - this time I managed to make fifteen of them, but if they do a good job bringing luck, I'll make more.

Te torbice sem že nekoč pokazala. Ravno deset jih je bilo, pa so šle zraven na kupček. Niso ravno živalski motiv, so pa majhne in mehke :)
/ I've shown these little bags before. There were exactly ten of them, and I added them to the pile. They are not exactly animal themed, but they are small and soft :)

Skupno število drobnarij: osemdeset. Upam, da jim bodo prišle prav.
/ Total number: eighty. I hope they'll help for the good cause.


25 avgust 2009

Čakamo na šolo

To imajo moji otroci verjetno po meni - meni je tudi druga polovica avgusta vedno bila predolga. No, dokler nisem šla na faks - takrat se je čudežno skrajšala. In izginila, ko sem začela delati v šoli :)

Voščilnico je naredila moja starejša mravljičica. Jaz sem samo za Krasotičko malo vihtela škarje. Vašo pozornost usmerjam na svinčnik, ki ga je dete naredilo samo, in na oblake, za katere je uporabila belo kredo.


My kids probably got this from me - I also thought the second half of August was too long. Well, until I went to the faculty - then it miraculously got shorter. And it vanished when I started teaching at school :)

The card was made by my older daughter. I just cut out the Gorjuss Girl. Let me direct your attention to the pencil (she made it by herself) and to the clouds (she used white chalk to make them).


22 avgust 2009

Variacije na temo


Izpolnjujem obljubo iz prejšnje objave - tole je še nastalo med igračkanjem z rožicami:
/ Keeping the promise from the previous post, I'd like to show you some more flowers:

1. Ista šablona, isti postopek, na koncu sem le cvetne lističe malo zavihala - pri eni rožici navzgor in pri drugi navzdol.
/ Same template, same procedure, I just curled the petals a bit - upwards for one flower and downwards for the other.

2. Ista šablona, isti postopek do izrezovanja cvetnih lističev - tukaj sem "hribčke" kar ravno odrezala, nato pa še malo obrezala stranice.
/ Same template, same procedure to the petal-cutting step - I made straight cuts instead of rounding them and I trimmed the edges a bit more.

3. Seveda sem morala poskusit tudi "šive".
/ Of course I had to try some "stitches".

4. Tukaj sem namesto zaobljenih uporabila cik-cak škarje in nato z navadnimi škarjami sledila linijam od vrha vsakega lističa.
/ Here I used zigzag scissors instead of scalloped ones, and then used the regular ones to follow the lines from the top of each petal.

5. Šablona: en od Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Scalloped Circles - 22 hribčkov. Postopek je enak kot v osnovni izvedbi. Škarje imajo nekoliko manjše hribčke, deluje tudi z navadnimi škarjami.
/ Template: one of Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Scalloped Circles - 22 scallops. The procedure is the same as in the basic flower. The scissors have somewhat smaller scallops, the regular scissors work just fine as well.

6. In še ravno odrezana (tale me spominja na japonske / kitajske sončnike).
/ And one more with straight edges (this one remains me of Japanese / Chinese sunshades).

7. In še tale s 36 lističi - S.N. Petite Scalloped Circles
/ And one with 36 petals - S.N. Petite Scalloped Circles

A je kdo opazil, da tokrat nisem šla v pomanjševanje? To predvsem pomeni, da sem čisto zadovoljna z naborom štanc za male in micene rožice :)
/ Has anyone noticed that I didn't do any minimising this time? Well, it mostly means that I'm quite satisfied with the choice of punches for small and tiny flowers.


21 avgust 2009

Doma narejene rožice


Glede na to, da imam rada gerbere in marjetice, so mi všeč tudi papirnate rožice z več kot osmimi cvetnimi lističi. Sicer bi se jih dalo preprosto izrezati s katerim od digitalnih rezalnikov ali kupiti izrezane, pa tudi šablona ali štanca bi se morda našla, ampak sem našla način, kako jih lahko naredim kar sama.
/ Considering the fact that I love gerberas and daisies, I also like paper flower with more than eight petals. I know that they could be simply cut out with a digital shape cutter or bought ready-made, or even a template or punch could be found, but I found a way to make them myself.

Za šablono sem vzela izštancan krog s školjkastim robom (štirinajst hribčkov pomeni štirinajst cvetnih lističev). Prerisala sem jo na papir - vseeno, na katero stran, ker se po izrezovanju črta od svičnika pozneje več ne vidi.
/ As a template, I used a punched out scalloped circle (fourteen little hills means fourteen petals). I traced it to paper - it doesn't matter to which side you draw it, the pencil line won't show after you cut the flower out.

Na sredino sem narisala krog - lahko s šablono, lahko s prosto roko; malo je odvisno od tega, če ga bo pozneje kaj prekrilo (manjša rožica ali gumb).
/ I drew a circle in the center - it can be done with a template or free hand; it might depend on whether you want to cover it later (with a smaller flower or a button).

Rožico sem na samo na približno izrezala in pri vsakem stiku dvek hribčkov zarezala v smeri sredine do narisanega kroga.
/ I cut the flower out (you don't have to be too precise) and cut lines towards the center between the hills, stopping at the circle.

Nato sem izrezala hribčke. Uporabila sem valovite škarje, pa tudi z navadnimi škarjami gre brez problema.
/ Then I cut out the hills. I used scalloped scissors, but the regular ones will do just fine as well.

Z navadnimi škarjami sem "pobrala" robove - nekoliko prej sem zaokrožila hribčke in pobrala nekaj papirja med dvema trakcema. Voilá rožica!
/ I used the regular scissors to trim the edges - I circled off the hills and cut some paper between the petals. Voilá flower!

Za sredino so se mi zdeli najboljši veliki gumbi.
/ Large buttons seemed the most appropriate for the center piece.

V naslednji objavi bo še nekaj variacij.
/ A few more variations in the next post.

Če se vam zdi uporabno, izvolite!
/ If you find it useful, feel free to use it!


18 avgust 2009

tiho, neslišno

tiho, neslišno
lovec stke
vzorec na vzorec

tiho, neslišno
zelene kraljice in princese

tiho, neslišno
jutro objokuje

tiho, neslišno
bisernate solze

tiho, neslišno
njihovo lepoto


silently, soundlessly
the hunter weaves
pattern upon pattern

silently, soundlessly
he entangles
green queens and princesses

silently, soundlessly
the morning bemourns
the night

silently, soundlessly
it strings
pearly tears

silently, soundlessly
I admire
their beauty


{foto: mravljinček, avgust 2009}

15 avgust 2009

Prima travnik

In to z veliko začetnico. Iz Prima rožic, za katere bi bilo škoda, če bi bile shranjene v posodi. Tudi če bi bila prozorna. Pa sem vzela nekaj plošč plute in bucike in poskusila pripeti nekaj rožic. Ko sta mravljičici to videli, sta prevzeli zadevo, tako da je meni ostalo samo še fotografiranje.


With the capital P. Made of Prima flowers for which it would be a pity to keep them stashed in a container. Even if it was a transparent one. So I took a few cork plates and pins and tried to attach some flowers. When my daughters saw it, they took over so all I had to do was to take photos.


14 avgust 2009

To in ono



Sprememba izgleda - ob obrnjenem števcu. Bonbonček bo pa nekoliko pozneje, morda ob začetku šole...
/ A change of appearance - at the turn of the counter. The candy will be on a bit later, maybe when the school starts...


Na včerajšnjem prijetnem srečanju sem dobila tale tri krasna rojstnodnevna darilca: od Saše vijoličasto škatlo, od Lili čokoladice in od Špele podlago za nizanje in polnilo za blazinico za štempiljke. Punce, hvala vam še enkrat!
/ At yesterday's pleasant meeting, I got these three great birthday presents: a purple box from Saša, chocolates from Lili and a bead stringing pad and an inkpad refill from Špela. Thanks again, girls!


Od Alenke sem dobila tole luškano nagradico:
/ I got this cute award from Alenka:

Alenka, hvala! Podeljujem jo naprej:
/ Alenka, thank you! I'm passing it on to:

